Monday, October 1, 2007

Blog 19-supplemental from Unexplained Mysteries Blogsite

I am starting this blog on this site today, and it will be later copy/pasted to my blog on the blogger dot com website as well. The vast majority of people go through life in a way I must admit, that I envy big time, as they will never B in any way directly effected by the Millionth Council. Most people do not really have a clue who nor what these beings/entities R in the first place. B4 going a lot further down this road in this new blog on this site, permit me 2 please give U my website hyper link so U can as of any time past post time today with this blog, go up there and view it. It is still way early in its stages of building, sort of like the 3rd or 4th story of the Empire State Building. The site's name is U will need to cut/paste/highlight, as the hyper link does not light up with this.
First of all, the great MILLIONTH COUNCIL is an elected governing body on the astral plane, elected every approximately eight million Earth mortal world years. One third of them is not of the same mindset as the other two thirds, and also is not quite as powerful nor as influential. Just as with American politics, with a basically two-party system consisting of republicans and democrats, this council is made up of the Briggbase residents, or the [Brigger's] 4 short, and the SDKM's which astrally stands 4 the [Sahasra Dal Kanwal Majority]. Obviously the Brigger's R the 1/3 minority. On the astral realm that atomically vibrates faster and thus creates this lighter starry astral world, the capitol province among literally nonillions of total provinces, is called OLYMPIA. A nonillion is one times ten to the thirtieth power, and provinces average in size 2B about a quarter of the size of our mortal world Milky Way Galaxy, MWG. The capitol city in this Province Olympia is the great city of Sahasra Dal Kanwal. The Millionth Council has a headquarters in this city, also known on thee astral reality as the city of the GREAT SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE. Still in truth, the astral world differs from that of the mortal world because there, an interaction is needed first, and this interaction then goes on 2 create the space and the time 4 its beingness in the first place. Concentrically, on the Earth mortal life, in order to have any type of an interaction, first, the space, and the time, 4 its beingness, must exist. This is the magic unknown yet simple 'barrier' that lies in between these two worlds or realities, or realms or planes, whatever nomenclature that U wish 2 ascribe 2 it. In a nut shell, and as it is explained in varying ways over and over on all of my blogs on as well as on my website, listed above, this is Y out there is not beyond life or some type of an afterlife, it is simply the truer higher reality of dream-shift\, or your true life 'in the spirit' as church lingo would perhaps feel more comfy with. Things R as real as we make them, and then we dream down so 2 speak, into individual sequence of lower-world interactions or dreams here in the physical worlds of the nearly endless hyperspace, or all of the time and space, and trans-dimensional altered parallels of space existing on different atomic frequencies, 2 put it extremely parochially.
The Millionth Council controls both the astral plane and all of the dream downs of the mortal worlds, or the physical plane. They R one and the same thing with, by mortal man's perspective, with electricity and electronics, and anything that in any way, shape, or form, constitutes a device or machine, or energy source, that is used or could B used 4 communications purposes. These astral world authorities R more powerful than is humanly imaginable by a billion Albert Einstein's, and they definitely R the invading force that connects into all of the truly, non-hoaxed, unexplainable esoteric and paranormal activities that could B listed and labeled in full, not excluding by a long shot, all psychic occurrences, astral and physical projection and projectors, any and all things pertaining 2 aliens, abductions, sleep paralysis, channeling, visions, trances, and on and on, the entire ball of wax, the whole 9 yards of the matter, is that this Millionth Council both owns and totally controls the entire thing. My personal interactions with all of this cannot B quickly told here today, and I have been blogging 4 about 2 years, and have lengthy texts on both my website and the 4 blogs on blogger dot com, they presently and in this order, R as follows: MORIANITY BIBLE, MORIANITY FOUNDATION, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN FROM THE HEAD MORIAN, and the current blog is called RATS, TATS, AND PLAYING REAL FOOTBALL. None of any of this is any hoax or joke. I have much better things 2B doing with my time than all of this. The Millionth Council has literally turned my life into a living nightmare hell, and this is all very real. If I could reveal all that I know, that no other master or guru ever anywhere at anytime on any realm, could know clearly while inside a flesh package, know one could nor would believe, so 4 now, and simply put and told, I have the answer 2 anyone's questions regarding just who and what and why and where this Millionth Council thing is all about. I did not choose 2B in the position and situation that I am, but that's the way it goes. Also, they control and own the entire entertainment networks of the planet, and yes the World Wide Web. But 29 decades ahead of us in time, but in the same exact space on the next higher spacial dimension, the 4th one, a place will exist called the King-Soifer World Laboratories, in a place called, Westmont, New Jersey, USA, Earth. This is where I jumped out of a device called a skycar, and fell 2 my death, in order 2 avoid capture by something more frightening and evil than all the biblical pictures painted regarding the great eternal Hell. The simple reason that I know all that I do, and am living in an infinite nightmare mess that no one on this Earth could fathom, is because of things that happened in a place I talk about in blogs and on the website, as UPLINE. Any Amway or Tupperware distributor workers know about upline and downline, but a handful of top think tank science persons, really know the truths about the smaller/larger interlocking infinities theory. In the future, it will not B a theory. This is the end of my first blog on this new site. To the Blogger site, I will copy and paste this as a supplemental blogging entry. End Transmission 100107.502.

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