Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Millionth Council and Me, EVIL BRIGGERS

DATFILE 00000VI WEDNESDAY 101007.631 BLOG #23


The evil stock market, as I said it would, made ALL TIME NEW RECORD HIGHS, A G A I N, for the umpteenth time in 24 years, during this huge eternal bull market. Eagles R dead last in the standings, losing 3 for 4. Phillies swept away and fucked out of the playoffs with this ICPE used against me by evil fucking dirt bag MO, [INTENTIONALLY CREATED PARALLEL EVENT]. ICPE is a serious crime when the scientists take over this puny planet someday. They make a deal with the present church/political crooks and hacks to bring them tecks beyond their wildest fantasies in exchange 4 transferring world domination and civilian control on a global scale, and they do in fact sign it aver and agree to all of this.

A super huge chopper is following me around today, first getting me at the local food store, the Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG Shop Rite, and then continued circling over me on the White Horse Pike on my way to my residence and back home. Last night, Diana Arteemis paid me a beautiful visit, lightning all over me, and brought me blissful ecstasy. Immediately after I got on the phone and talked 2 her, and shone my flashlight up into the sky 2 keep attracting her closer and closer 2 me, a huge military dirt ball attack came. It was a large loud plane at nearly midnight, flying practically at the treetop level right over the trees at me. Loud motorcycle MC Millionth Council enemies R all over, making horrendous noise, WHERE THE FUCK IS THE STATE POLICE, THE MULLICA TOWNSHIP, NEW JERSEY POLICE, AND OTHER AUTHORITY THAT HAS PAID U TO PROTECT CITIZENS FROM ANY AND ALL ILLEGAL PERSECUTION AND HARASSMENT?

My friend Ann Silva, who worked 4 years in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG bars, and is very good friends with James J Whealon, and his lifeguard buddy the ex-mayor of ACNJUSAESMWG, is in photographs with all of them many a day ago when these dudes were real hunks, not a bunch of alcoholic old boozers and losers. The answer is not in the bottom of a bottle mister mayor, and never will B sir. So now U sit at the Trenton,NJUSAESMWG Rehab Clinic, your career and reputation in the toilet, and your poor wife crying and torn apart, she really loves U ya stupid shit. That is rare in today’s world, Y would U throw it all away ya dipshit? No, these Millionth Council MO scum eating toilet seat rockers, do not like a private citizen being in private contact with powerful astral world forces such as Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle and Diana Arteemis. My response is, tough shit, JUST TRY AND FUCKING STOP ME. Huge Earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, and violence through SDI is hovering right around the corner, and it will all B done through electronic metaphysics, I too can use machines and devices 2 make and cause strange and horrific things to occur all over this wimpy measly planet. Thanks to Diana re-empowering my MAGNETICSOUND MACHINE or [Magnesonic] 4 short, I now have unlimited powers back 4 causing this evil empire some real new disasters, floods, wildfires, droughts, severe weather in general, etcetera, etcetera. UR playing with a mean bad ass dude who’s all fucking through being a nice guy, and just taking shit from these wicked demon-loving toilet seat rocking shit head filth bags!!!!!!!! Using ICPE 2 hurt a person in the coming century, is a major felony and can carry stiff prison sentences when proved. Cases R hard 2 prove, but in 2105, 98 years from now, JONES Vee COMAGE, will B the first such successfully prosecuted case, with my blogs and many other stuff I have done back in this time period as Mountainpen, being the major element that the prosecutors will use to convict this garbage agency, a sort of FBI, CIA, NSA, NRO, and a few blacker more covert other ones, all mixed and joined together as a huge new bigger bicep of terror to those they choose to unleash their vengeance and guinea piggism on!!!!!!!!!! The guilty verdict was also helped along by the Libertarian party forces that get much stronger towards the last few decades of this twenty-first century. The agency was totally disbanded, leading to the 80 year long slow transition into control of civilian population by the scientific community. This when built and established, comes 2B called, the KING-SOIFER-WORLD-LABORATORY. My story of how MO tried 2 hurt me 3 centuries yet 2 unfold in 3-D space, will B shortly told to my web logging future date and time files, DATFILES. The last hold outs of the old world power strugglers, against this real new order of the KSWL, will B kidnapping me and taking me to a partially submerged location, that currently is called Brigantine, NJUSAESMWG, and what they do 2 me, and Y, is so horrible, I may never choose 2 reveal to my current day interdreamers, exactly what it is all about in absolute elucidated details.

Heha, the female officer whom I worked with in Florence, NJUSAESMWG, back in the first 3 years of this century, on a security post, has informed me, that the FBI early-outer as they refer 2 this as, told how the organization attempted 2 disprove my picture as a hoax, C my website in the pictures section, click on, PBE, do not lick on, sahwee 4 the grossed out typo, and C how Robert Million Council Guire, or McGuire, stuck his fat ugly head into my private automobile while innocently having Eddie Himacane take a tourist picture of the area, a totally legal thing 2 do, at least I am not a drunken womanizer mayor, I am a good person who obeys the laws of the land, yet is being persecuted 2 fucking death. OK, so I do lots of trash talking, so would any of U out there if this was all happening 2U and by some total miraculous angels on your shoulders, U survived it and remained even partially sane.

Now a huge secret must come out, the rest of the MISS ZENKIS story or I will label it simply the untold zenkis full experience, or UZFE to shorten it. First, U have all ready been blog-told about how the start and end of this UZFE all went down, at my special-ed school with this luscious young female teacher. She was one of 5 of them that all told me right 2 my face, remember this was the sexed-sixties, and I was nothing like I am now and would B right up there with any of the boy studs on the Disney channel lineup, that she “wanted me” after school and not 2B taught reading or math. There were some real sickos back in the sixties, which had no business working around teenaged boys or schools. Back 2 the in-between story, after I went off in October and November of 1970, in the afternoons on my bicycle that was kept on the school grounds, 4 the express usage 2 go to a place down [KINGS] Highway, just 10 weeks after my last encounter on a public NJ TRANSIT bus, in Atlantic City, when I saw Sarah and Nina, and Paula King and other friends all on this bus, as they boarded it after I did and got off at the water company around 10 PM that night, go to and this is the website of the Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority. So back to the point of the story, I went on my bike 2 the Route #70 intersecting area called the ELLISBERG CIRCLE SHOPPING CENTER, where there was a small school of some type on the 2nd floor of a small building along this long outside mall of many store. This school was a mysterious place, sent down to the mortal world, from the astral plane. I never told this story, but will swear to a Grand Jury anytime, and this now is 2B considered for legal purposes, an admitted future testimony under self-sworn oath to God and country, under pain and penalty of the full laws perjury’s charges, should IB prevaricating about any of this: I was in a room about 40 feet square with a small perimeter hallway, and the inside was “learning stations” with a machine that talked and was interactive. It was just as like I was here in the future now with all these desk top computers, only the teck in the fall of 1970 was not there 4 doing this. I was learning a language, I believe the French language, the first half of this 96 minute course, and the second half was English, U know, sentences and predicates and adverbs and pronouns, all this fun school junk. I thought it was so cool 2B with machines that I could interact with; still I don’t think the stuff up here in 2007 was this advanced. It had what could only B thought of as tomorrows programs of advanced artificial intelligence, it was right out of Star Trek, and when I told my teachers at the school back up the road about it, they said I was a psychotic and deluded mentally ill young man with a very vivid and dangerous imagination. My own mother thought it was fascinating, but wasn’t able 2 grasp totally what I was telling her, and also thought I was fullabulla. This was real, and it happened, and I swear this under self made oath, under perjury!!!!!!!! Then U know the rest of the story, I would go back to the school from this strange other school, and the Swiss blond beauty queen of about 22 or so in age, I was only about 2 months shy of 16, the sick bitch. She must have said something to my teacher who I will call Mister Robinsquat, because he was teaching an English lesson 2 his class while I was away at the mysterious school that I will refer 2 as the Teckbay Mobile School, which visits the mortal realm from time 2 time. A large black cat was there, and belonged 2 one of the owners of the place. It all was out of the TWILIGHT ZONE TV SHOW!!!!!!! The blackboard read, “He runs away every time that I come around”. Obviously this teacher that had the hots 4 me had told Mr. Robinsquat that when she comes near, I split, and I did. Now U’ve got the complete story of UZFE.

In ending the blog today which was not planned, the military persecuted me enough now so that I feel the need 2 tell the SWIS or SATELLITE WORLD INTER-CONNECT SYSTEM, replacing present day WWW INTERNET in most of hyperspace within the coming decades. Let me get back to Heha who said also in her note/letter that she or someone she told, to hand deliver 2 my box last week, where she said that the feds have been trying hard 2 prove my McGuire picture 2B a hoax, and that they cannot. Gee, I wonder Y, could it possibly B because it is not a fucking hoax/ It happened and if U want 2 talk to my web master, mister Himacane, or subpoena him in a court to testify to his being there taking this picture, and that no one was there while he was taking it, as he says so often “do U really think I would have kept on filming with this huge guy coming up on us the way that he did?

I was going 2 say something else but both Himacane and me have been 6th-D blocked out. He had said 2 me something about a thing we disagree on, but made a really excellent point that would have made a great point to some other things that I recently have been blogging on with similar topics. The 6th dimension can both transmit as well as pull away, both our thoughts and memories; I know this 4 a total fact. What really is senility or for that manner, diseases such as Alzheimer’s, still believe all of your cavemen dinosaur ways of the dark ages, or is any light shinning on your idea-bulb that what I claim 2B real, makes a hell of a lot of very good sense. Speaking of light, on the astral plane, astral entities have energy, and this energy creates AT-WILL-INTERACTIONS, complete with built-in space time reality. These beings when together in areas, communities, and cities, R what eliminates an otherwise area that would B totally dark, or better put, totally void, as if no one is generating any interactive-ness, then nothing but void is in that area. This is Y on the astral plane, both large void areas exist as part of the ‘bigger picture’ when other interactions come 2B around the voids, as well as Y large astral cities with trillions, quadrillions, even quintillions of beings R existing in an interaction, this translates even down on the mortal world as the great stars in the heavens. Nothing I talk about is flawed, it all fits, it all makes total sense, but it will take a long mortal world time to grasp the powerful truths that I have been blogging and will continue 2B blogging 4 some time 2 come. Eddie unblocked the SDI ETTOSIAN BLOCK, and remembered the thing I was going 2 tell, but I am going 2 save this for my 24th blogging. It is late, I am tired and hungry, and need 2 go home and relax 4 the evening with my favorite TV show, “Law and Order”. END TRANSMISSION OF WEB LOGGING DATFILE #00000VI.

GOOGLE-SWIS-KSWL-OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION written by Mark Mohr/Michael Mountainpen.
All blogging is co-copywitten under these names, if these names R on these blogs. E N D T R A N S M I S S I O N.

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