Thursday, October 18, 2007


Ratting and tattle tailing, and playing both defensive and OFFENSIVE, ‘REAL’ FOOTBALL- better known as the title RATS, TATS, AND PLAYING REAL FOOTBALL, DATFILE #00000IX
This is BLOG #26 on Thursday, 101807.600


I just returned from a totally miserable time at the Atlantic county Prosecutor’s Office, involving Paula King’s second cousin once removed. Ann Silva, Dawn’s mom, and I, sat twice now, through long multiple proceedings, and have gotten no resolution to the problem of sentencing. I knew when the Phillies blew out 1-2-3, the Flyers now in the first fucking place position, never lose, the Dow markets and Jazz jack off NASDAQ, or the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, making ball crime dead chord cries [all time record highs] day after day after gay, and when the Eagles and Sixers went straight down the toilet as well, a child moron with a triple lobotomy can clearly C the Johnny Nash equation, that this would not work out in my favor with this lunatic female yard bird. Now after not believing me at first, Eddie is turning around, and Ann Silva believes in my suffering 2 million percent, so I finally have a real true believer and pal on my side of the fight, along with my long time angel of Somerdale, NJUSAESMWG, KAREN S. The insurance papers should B coming KS in about one or two weeks, I’ll B in touch for getting your signature, thank U4 saying yes t2 all this in your return message voicemail.

Vicious kemtrailing has been bad 4 some time now, every day, and today @ the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office Building there was a huge super low and loud milituforce vessel zenithing directly over Ann Silva and me, she is witnessing it all bwaby-wuv!!!!!!!!!!! Now 4 all those who feel that I do indeed deserve this hell B cause of what I will do as ZEEJINS ARTHURS Fggggggggggggyyyyu7uuuuuDD,and the computer is being major fucking hacked in total VIOLATION OF MY CIVIL AND HUMAN AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. The big and small case letters reversed on the keyboard, the mouse went out from a total hack, and several things more R being hacked 2 hell by the stink bad rat piss MILLIONTOUNCIL, but back 2 what I will do in the future, I should not B penalized today in this current time period, as I do not plan 2 do this when time catches up again, nor can I change what is locked into hyper atomic continuum reality. There is no way I was going 2 let my consciousness B downloaded into a misery box that merges hellish interactions with me forever. However, Gauki Gawgawk, spelled also Gawki Gaukauk, a special huge black panther cat professor-guru at the Teck Bay Mystery school in the Province of Olympia in Phase two reality, the BARDO, has told me on many occasions that when I escaped, they did to me, a similar thing that Captain Picard did on the Star Trek Next Generation episode called “A Ship In A Bottle”, to the man and woman that came to life on the holographic deck. Remember, Star Trek is quite on the money with many of their ideas, and most of the formulas used R based on total science fact, still fictional only because the metallurgists cannot create proper metals nor can the DOE find how 2 properly create and use various fusion technologies, but we R close. The idea of 3 lazars and holography, bringing an image into 3 dimensions is a concept that all ready is laboratory tested and is close 2 fruition. The missing ingredient in bringing the image to life or into the fourth dimension and higher octaves around this, is obviously not something I can legally blog on today’s world internet, but to give a small clue to the curious, remember that AVH and AVM recorders do not both operate in conjunction with an object that has been scanned as moving waves, and only when this is done such as with the audio/video/material recording/playback systems, can the scanned image B a living object. Transferring a living object into wave/particle duality form through distance delay fields is a teck that comes with built in features that go beyond the simple scanning of anything and then duplicating it, such as your scanner/printer attached to your everyday current day PC right now. Simply put, another accidental discovery came 2 humankind when scanning back to something from approximately 65 trillion miles round trip distance, a large asteroid discovered by a soon 2B built ultra-Hubblescope, that can permit lazar guided aiming to a discovered huge meteorite a quarter the size of Earth’s moon, so a send/receive mutual station is built, and the receive half scanned back to the sending object, it was an apple, not to get Adam and Eve 2 exited, but it was, excuse me, it will B. Then, a rat was tried, and it was brought back alive. Then the war crazies figured they could make the ultimate weapon, and have the two rats meet and shake hands, only the science-educated know what I am talking about, and no, it does not go boom, both rats from both ends R the very same rat, no reversal in polarity occurs, if it did, man would annihilate himself real quick with that much power. I can tell U how 2 misuse this teck, to make a reverse polarity duplication, but I would B arrested and the blogs would B shut down in less than 4 hours, I do not wish in any way 2B responsible 4 WW3.Bad enough that about a week ago, I was in an interaction down in South America, U would call it a very vivid dream, and I was in a school, and it was a current and recent events history course of some sort, and the proff was showing us all on a globe, the South American section on his large lit up globe, saying WW3 was started here and that all other things that people thought would B the resulting factor of commencing this horrific war were wrong, that it comes from this area not that far from Brazil. So I am not going to tell the world how 2 make a ton of antimatter, as they know as I do that it would not B used 2 explore the solar system and replace current day solid rocket fuels. So AVM recorders do get invented along with and in conjunction with Lazar trace Teck and Distance delay Fields, but remember that field inversions also get discovered so that great distance can be synthesized by using strings of non-orbital stationary lunar satellites along with the same types in orbit around the Earth, and bouncing signals with guided lazar mixed radio signals back and forth moving in slight widths quadrillions of times to indeed simulate the 240,000 mile one way or 480 lunar round trip distance by countless nearly unlimited times, then eventually received from the originating send station, then the receive station hits the GPS and then the SWIS, and the zoom amplification modulators or ZAM’S. SWIS=SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECT SYSTEM. GPS=GLOBAL POSITIONING SATELLITE. Your present day luxury car and boat all ready is tied into GPS in order 2 receive their cartographic scanned positions. Aniwho, the Millionth Council is all over me and this is the worst month and the worst fucking year of my entire life as Mountainpen. They did not want the world of today 2 know what I have told, and they use a tool 2 discredit me called the ILLUSION OF FIRST KNOWING. A typical example is that I can type for 3 hours over at Ed Him’s and then go home, and the 3 hours of the show “L&O that I love 2 watch, and set the timer so I can view it, makes it look as though I am sitting in here watching the particular shows that were on at the time I was blogging, and then got my ideas from them, only it is not the case. How do they do it, and is it a form of time travel? The answer is an emphatic NO!!!!!! It is more like time manipulation. All that happens down to the NTH degree, the smallest detail, which emanates from a huge and nearly unlimited choosable menu, once chosen and set or hyper continuum time locked atomically, which is simply a fact, the entire 27 feet, PBE when I said 27 inches a few blogs back. The whole deal, the entire holy wholly complete total and full nine yards, or 324 inches, is what I am referring 2 here. I make many mistakes, it is a miracle that I can still think at all, guess the 6th dimension stick wishes 2 have 1 of its sending stations continue pummeling my waves and particles with its material, and this produces the illusion of me here in the here and now physical world with an operating physical brain. Mind, electrical, mechanical, or biological, is all nothing but 6th dimensional transmissions that cause the entire system of unlimited multiverses 2 operate as they do, under Lawtronics, perhaps said more efficiently, controlled by lawtrons. Another PBE is that twice I called these lawtrons, LAWTONS, so Japanese sahwee!!!!!!!!

Keep up this fucking never ending air shit bastards; it is bringing my PUSSY COMMAND THROUGH THE FREAKING ROOF!!!!!!!!!!!! Everywhere I go, they R falling all over me like I’m some sort of a Greek God. All it really is, is another PE, a PARALLEL EVENT. Remember my previous discussions in my web-logging concerning and regarding IPE’s and VPE’s. Many parallel events R much more visible than others, such as speeding down the road recklessly all day long and how many times U get pulled over at least once that day verses getting completely away with this horrific behavior all day long. In roulette, all 36 numbers from 1-36, all R black or red, odd or even, and low or high. The IPE of 7% simply exists in comparing the remaining parameter of the 3 on a following spin with the bi-parameter of the prior spin. Y is this so, Y is a 7% parallel event when the gain ratio one over another, exists, is something unknown in 2K7. I showed a professor named Deturch this mathematical system back in the early nineties at the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, PAUSAESMWG, and he said 2 me that I made a real new discovery, and this was a top proff in Statistical Mathematics at this world renowned university. The reality that mortals of this late 20th and early 21st century just cannot wrap their heads around as of yet is that everything that blew out of the previous cycle B4 the [PBB] prior big bang, is nothing more than a mathematical number of a sort or a subatomic digit, and the big picture, put simple as Dogtown [HELL], is that the universes R all attempting to endlessly solve their own cosmic equation. First comes its own existence at void infinity in an ‘aware-only’ state. Then comes God-realization, and in another of my many famous PBE’s, I said God-realizes, twice, the second time it was meant as realizes, the first time however the [z] came out instead of an [D], I meant 2 say God-realized. Continuing on with point, after void awareness only, God-realization, the third movement in this lawtronic system is called LAWTRONICS, and this is where all forces R figured out and forced 2 work and operate as they do, in such precise ways. These Lawtrons then go on to create what I call in slang, the great ELEVATOR ROOM. This is the lower 6th dimension, as Lawtrons literally R the 7th-D, from our 3, 4, and 5 dimensional reference point and relative-ness 2 all of this truth. Even though I will go on 2 do a terrible and unspeakable thing in the 23rd century, and fall to my death 2 avoid being sent 2 infinite hell, not just a DOGTOWN sentence, in the late spring of two three oh one, [2301], I am innocent of this crime here in oh-seven where I reside in my dreaming sequence of Mountainpen. This is a philosopher’s conundrum at its total epitome. I plan not 2 do this, yet all ready I did it, and only a hyperspace equation can explain how this can B, and philosophers like my old buddy Plota, had no clue of what HS was. Only in the end of the last century did 5% of college educated persons, properly describe when asked, what indeed HS is, and no, it sure ain’t high school, hitting Suzie, or home life sucks, as we 60’s kids would sometimes give as the 2nd meaning for HS, I have now blogged a third one 4 about 2 MW years. 4 those that R saying, if I am getting $20 richer every time the Dow goes up one single point, Y then am I not on top of the world. Hay, so I am rolling in doe, and the Dow will B 15, 16, 17, 18, thousand by the end of the first quarter of oh-eight, but the magnetics of my life R still total shit, U cannot shut off a parallel event no matter how much U may wish that U could. Yes I will have 20 grand 4 every 1000 points, already have made one since opening my on-line account in some one else’s name, as I am on disability, and cannot risk my benefits getting cut off. When magnetics R bad, your life is off the charts horrible, and no blogging words can ever come close 2 describing true hell. If I could get stopped what is being done 2 me and has been done 2 me 4 a quarter of a century, or instead have a choice 2 keep it going but win the ‘power ball lottery’ and B awarded an after all taxes 300 million bucks, I would not have 2 think 4 a lousy quick whittle minper 2 arrive at my decision. Keep the money and the MO endless HELLSIEGE, or lose the money back and lose the MO, I would tell the world in an instant what they can do with the money, honey!!!!!!!!!!! If this comes close 2 telling my Blogger readers what I am being put through by these sick diseased twisted demon-snakes, then I have accomplished some small part of my life’s mission.

The other day I did not explain well enough, how 2 properly score the EVIL EMPIRE verses the RIGHTEOUS EMPIRE so allow me pweeeze now 2 do it a bit better. I said 4U2 give a point for the empire’s but I meant to score a point 4 any of the three parallel event properties in the trilogy’s equation, FLYERS, PHILLIES, and DOW JONES, so here is an example. Here R 5 possible daily scorings: Saturday the 13th of October-FLYERS WIN-NO TRADING OF DOW, +1 point evil empire, 0 points righteous empire. Monday the 15th of October-FLYERS WIN AND DOW UP, +2 points evil empire. Wednesday the 17th of October-NO GAMES, DOW DOWN, +1 point righteous empire. Thursday the 25th of October-FLYERS LOSE AND DOW DOWN, +1 point evil empire and +1 point righteous empire. Saturday the 27th of October-NO FLYERS GAME AND NO DOW TRADING, no score either empires. Monday the 29th of October-DOW DOWN and FLYERS LOSE, +2 points righteous empire. There R never any negative scores or any subtractions. The evil empire will forever gain a minimum of 20% over the righteous over 1,2,5,10, and more years, and forever, it will never ever fucking stop. I have kept scores like this all through the entire 1990’s, and early into the 21st century, as well as in the latter years of the eighties. I know what I am talking and squawking about. Gawki told me that more power exists in the Lawtronics of a PARALLEL EVENT than in a small nuclear bomb, measured in true ergs of energy. I know Gawki is right, I’m the freaking dude that’s living inside this hell.

Look up in the cock sucking skies rapies and germiblows and 4 yourselves, every stinking day, Scylla’s skies R totally filled with bright long huge fucking poison KEMTRAILS. 4 now, as time grows short 4 me mortally, things need B done and I need 2 get off this computer device of the 6th dimensional machine mind, but lots more is needed 2B said, and will B said. END TRANSMISSION.

GOOGLE, SWIS, WORLD LABORATORIES OF 2300 – official web documentation, MARK MOHR/MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN. All Web Logging is co-copyritten if these names R shown on these blog texts. Visit and know the truth that the MILLIONTH COUNCIL IS COVERING UP. This brings date and time file 00000IX to an end. END TRANSMISSION.

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