Thursday, July 12, 2007

RATS, TATS, & Playing Real Football --#2 blog


071007.934 --------- Blog #2.

My job may B ending, as the forces do not like me working with anyone who is a fellow conspiracy-buff such as myself, and things R occurring at my weekend post that is hand writing on the wall stuff, where U need not B a super Einstein-mind 2C a looming dark cloud. Persecution was not quite as bad this weekend as last weekend, despite another famous evil empire scoring on Friday, as FULL EVIL EMPIRE, Phillies dying and Dow Jones Flying. I said on the last blog’s last entry number 30, that no football tem, I meant obviously 2 say TEAM, sahwee. As I re-read from time 2 time, prior entries sent up to the Blogger site, I try to remember or 2 write down these little errors, and 2 later make any necessary corrections. If I was doing a professional job and being paid monies 4 what I write, I naturally would go back and simply correctly re-edit my mistakes, but I have more important issues here. What is said and the big picture entire story of my life for close to 52.6 annums, is the greater importance here, not my spelling, punctuations, linear time order, and typos. Yes the enemy scored another FAMOUS FRIDAY FULL EVIL EMPIRE, and if U observe this, they get one full evil, 4 out of 5 minimum on Friday’s, and Y? Because they persecute the shit oudda me on freaking ass Friday’s, that’s Y!!!!! Last Friday morning I was rudely awakened just past 8 in the morning with loud annoying and civil rights violating aerial persecution. It took about 60 to 90 minutes B4 the loud MILITUFORCE attack broke off. Speaking of attacks, I seem 4 whatever reason, 2B constantly misspelling the word ATTIC on my blogs, spelling it Attack. 4 example, in a recently published PB [Prior Blog], I said 4U2 go ahead & keep your hidden treasures in your attack, and I meant 2 say your attic, sahwee!!!!!!!!! Back now 2 the discussion of my ‘next door property guard’ who sees things the way that I do at my work post. “THEY” do not permit me 2 have these type of contacts 4 very long, and they R doing things to make some of the bosses find fault with the guards, when we R doing our job, hell, nobody is perfect, as [Cheating Monopoly] player Bruce from 1972 would say so affirmatively and with fervor and conviction. So much of my life sure connects that old CM or MC phenomena, does it not????????? She has the maiden name starting with [C], and then went on 2 marry a huge mobster whose last name starts with letter [M]. But again in getting back on point, they will not allow me to ever get and especially keep any kind of what I have come to term the word, “army”, or group of people on my side of this strange and very spurious fight, with the ‘spirit world/human Lambrig Cultists”, their physical world doppelganger scummy human –robot-force. They control all of our government, and the scariest part is that 2 sections of reality that has been merging since Jerusalem was reestablished in the mortal year of 1948. They have human real live half’s of themselves, but the 6th dimension is also sending there isness of being that is existing in the mortal world in individual universes of HS, a signal that comes from an entirely different source. When on a rare occasion these 2 signals get accidentally crossed, MW explanation of ‘brain damage’ occurs, U hear the voice signals audibly at this point, and only special modern sike meds can fix these neurological crossed shorted circuit signals, and stop the patient from clearly and vividly get spoken to directly from this half of the 6th dimensional system created in complex 7th-D Lawtronic sub-math-numerical-mind-pieces.

Another error from a PB is when I talk about some of the more serious crimes that have been committed against me, by accident; I omitted part of the story regarding my 2 auto thefts, where I was smashed and grabbed twice, once at Friendly Ice Cream Restaurant, and once at my residence in the wee early morning, I typed it in originally 2 the word program that I use 2 download to and it never got into the blog, a major machine-mind hack. Many more PB corrections will B made as time runs along in maya 4-D, but 4 now, a major interaction must B discussed, which caused me obviously 2 go yesterday afternoon 2 ACNJUSAEMWG, 2 swim in the ocean. She was absolutely beautiful, and the precise 6th-D elevator ride that I remember taking is what led 2 this mortal world interaction. I knew that if I left the beach B4 it got 2B a certain time; I would miss the plane that would have gotten me otherwise. The skies and weather was a total duplicate and so was the condition of the ocean, rode some nice waves, but the guards would not really let us out far enough 2 get the really good ones. September is normally the best time 4 riding waves without boards, especially early October, when no more guards R there 2 blow U into shore. I know they R only doing their job, and they should B commended 4 a very good job done, and the many saves to their credit throughout the many seasons of the Beach Patrol, go to Early October in one of the ‘turn of the century’ years, was terrific, as a few times have been, with really nice 10-20 foot swells. Backwash with large waves does not allow the return 2 shore without a board, unless U realize that never do U fight Sarah-Stacey, currents and waves R always in varying motions moving in a large body, but inside this body, as small rivers so 2 speak, and riding these rivers helps a non-boarder to go anywhere in the water. As 4 the last trek of yardage to reach a beach, fighting the large swelling backwash is such a waste of energy, and roller water can under-tow a swimmer and people do drown in attempting 2 return 2 a beach in this manner. I know the only proper way 2 return to a beach from a large swelling ocean. Being a body surfer, I ride waves B4 they break and go in front of them swishing side 2 side 2 avoid straight in wipe out. But once in close 2 shore, U just simply wait 4 rollers to come in at U and let the rollers bring U right up the beach. I have had sand scrapes from the force of some of these roller rides, so do not tell me I cannot depend on getting 2 shore in a large swell ocean, as this is a total fallacy. Now if I am out in the 20 swellers, U need 2 duck beneath them should one happen to break B4U get 2 the wave, and if the swells lessen and move inward, this will cause a swimmer to have more water rushing out in certain channel areas, in a much greater ratio of in billion cubic gallon amounts, than the water volumes that R coming in, and a simpleton can C how swimming in against this type of rip tide that can run as high as 20-40 knots, if swells move from 50 down to 15 feet, a rare occurrence. When a rip tide forms and UR out beyond where any waves, B them rolling or yet-to-break types, UR in rip. These rips run roughly in channel fields or widths of 15-30 yards, with occasional longer ones. When a swimmer is not getting in, he or she then needs to proceed 2 swim at a non exhaustive slow steady clip at a 20 degree angle into shore along with a 70 degree angle to the left or right, or parallel with the beach, direction does not matter, just getting out of a rip channel, which again, picture a river inside the ocean, upon occasion U can even see and feel these rivers. The temperature is not equal to the waters surrounding them, and hence coloration varies from the larger waters around them, sometimes darker or greener, but this can vary, as weather and atmospheric and oceanographic global systems R extremely complex. If this was not so, a person would not need degrees and lots of college in order 2 become a licensed meteorologist or ecologist, this indeed is a complex electrically charged biosphere surrounding 8,000 miles of solid planetary diametric measurement.

My love for the Great Sarah-Stacey goes far beyond what I can ever say with little black keys on Eddie’s laptop. Careful study of my 4 blogs listed both here at and also at my website will make it appear to many readers that I am a major bi-polar personality, as I describe Sarah as so wonderful and also so evil. Good and evil is only a reality that exists when an element called carbon becomes interactive in the equation. SARAH or the great Scylla Goddess, [SAR] or THE LORD ALL MIGHTY, cannot B placed into a box in our multiverse, as our entire multiverse, IS, her upline world thought, and this process is controlled in complex 6th and 7th dimensional spirit-mechanics circuitry, or said 24th century style, sub-element math-combos. In the future it becomes eventually known in all of the entire multiverse, that everything is no more than subatomic numbers or complex math equations, and as they all interact together or attempt to endlessly solve their cosmic equation, this process is one and the same thing as what we via illusion, perceive as the life that is lived here on the mortal world, MW. Just prove it 4 yourself, it is documented scientifically all ready in these dark ages, that everything is tiny pieces of matter that is all held together with gravitational forces, but do we all see this, or do we see a false reality of substance and life, when it all is really waves and particles and a 7th dimensional Lawtronics Program? Look, I really do have better things 2 do with my time than make up a huge story like all of these blogs. I have in addition, given all of U out there, many websites 2 check out and go 2 And C4 yourselves, that things I talk about were not made up by me, honestly, I am just not that imaginative, do not give me credit when none is due, pweeeeeze!!!!!! The interaction last night was mind bending, both Lennie Briscoe and Adam Schiff, from the [Law & Order} show, were in it with me, some of the ACBP force, some from here, some from another location in the great hyperspace, HS. A strange girl was trying to abduct me at gunpoint and take me into her cult; she had a polka dotted towel of 10 or more different colors, and Adam was moonlighting as a mailman in Atlantic City, he was about the age he was when here in this part of HS, the L&O show began, when Morianity/Moriarity was the first Jack McCoy working as the ADA. He gave me a letter that I opened and it warned me that this girl was sent by Brigger enemies to abduct me, these Brigger Cultists R very real and very dangerous, they control Wall Street and the Dow Jones, and robbed my mother and I blind a dozen years back in the scummertime of 1995, through the crooked company they own and control, called DONALDSON LUFKIN AND JENRETTE. They took our money, and did other vicious things to my mom and me when all I was trying to do was take advantage of my future knowledge of the stock market, I already knew every move it was gonna make, as I still know every Godsdamn move it is gonna make still, I all ready know many things. Briggbase entities R1 and the same thing as biblical accounts and prophecies that go, “spiritual wickedness in high places”, from the KJ version of the Scriptures of Christianity, [King James]. Also in the interaction they were using holog-screenes, these devices that in most of HS start getting around 2 becoming used and invented around AD 2100-2120, but a rare few %age have them developed and R in use by 2000 AD. Here, it was now or 2007 and mid-July, just not here in this universe of the multiverse, and these screens can make U think that U see whatever someone who programs it, wants 4U2C. I first need 2 tell the readership that all this is the next day from the start of this number blog 2, as it is now the eleventh of goodol’ July. Tomorrow will be the 37th anniversary of the last night I ever saw Sarah and her fiends on the Public New Jersey Bus around ten at night, July the 12th of one thousand nine hundred and seventy AD years, MW time, and this HS section, [AF], atomic frequency. As I told Photeus and his younger brother twiggy-John at their parking lot next to the Casino Control Commission Building 10 summers ago, my life ended on this night, as my last chance to tell all mighty Scylla-Jehovah in her humanness, was forever terminated 4 me in my Mountainpen sequence of dreamation. She was really a projected or phantom body, the real person, Sarah J. Karge, was in trance at her home or shop at this time, the teen girl was an astral projection, and all of her friends never were aware of this, that they were hanging with a 70 something lady, who really is all mighty God, as the MW refers to her as. When U dream in a body from the astral world, U begin 2 dream that UR here, getting born and dying is pure illusion, we only think we see each other start and end through these birth/death processes, but it is illusion only. If this was not true, we would all remember being born and dying and all in-between, instead of this perceived illusion of seemingly remembering being real young and little one day, and then time seemingly passing with night following day and day following night, and now it is now. Is it ever the future? Is it ever the past? No, it is always really just an eternal now, and without consciousness to throw maya at us while living on the MW, we all would clearly as Johnny Nash, C how all is really oneness, the true void infinity. Looking at truth in either mode, the truth is the truth, nothing is real, there only is void and this void thereby is ultimate truth. We all dream out and away from void infinity to the astral plane or the phase #2 of reality, and then from there we dream further down and interact in the 6th dimensionally controlled virtually unlimited hyperspaces. In last nights dream, I speak from here mortally, so right away a mortal world [MW] reader is going to think wrongfully backwards instead of realizing that Mountainpen is asleep and dreaming now that he is typing this message on this internet blogger system, telling about a so-called mental realm interaction to the astral realm that is being permitted 6th dimensionally to reach me, here in physicality, or the physical realm or plane. If an ECKIST was typing this, he or she would most likely word it similarly to this, or say my mental plane interaction of the astral plane, here on the physical plane. My problem with Eckankar, and I have a 3 year study, first degree, in this order, is that they perceive too much linearity to things, and definitely see it totally in mortal reverse directionality. Granted, this is only an IMHO, as I never completed the next 14 years into mastership, but for good reason. When I wrote to the living Eck Master and told him the truth about Sarah and the entire Atlantic City thing, I never was contacted on the mortal realm, all he would do is appear on astral realms and tell me to rejoin, no questions asked. Sorry, this entity is infinite, with no beginning nor ending and is aware of the treasure in his attic, has had the testicles to break apart the entire lovely and expensive wall paneling, and get that treasure. No god, no order, no entity, is about to tell me I am misguided and wrong. I know what I know, and someday the fate of all of humanity will indeed rest on all of this, and all I will say at that time is, read my blogs, I told U all so.

The entire Saturday was filled with poisonous kemtrails that made me deathly ill with cramping and diarrhea, and all of the routine additional bull shit was also ongoing. Giant pussy is on the hugest roll since the pissco years, the mid and late 19 seventies, never have I seen it this off the scale ridiculous. There is no way I should run constantly into girls that are between 5 feet 10 and 6 feet 5. This is not even close to normal heights for American girls and women ranging in age from 13 to 60. I am not counting heels either, as they R in flats like sandals or sneakers, or they R 3 heads taller with their heals on. When the normal stats for women’s heights is known to me as I consider myself a well versed expert statistician on many various facts from weather to business prices, degreed or not, no one is going to tell me that I do not know what I know, or that I am imagining things or am paranoid, or any of a hundred other lame and stupid excuses 4 obvious Otammic shit around my proximity during this major and constant Milituforce attack, not attic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Mayor wants to give me a killer roulette system and Casey wants to give me a dynamite way to make a killing in the market, like I need either one. My curse from the gods will not permit anything that I do ever work out nor prosper. The dude that plays Gordo on the Disney produced Lizzy McGuire show, is who Edgar is now dreaming he is, but it is very doubtful that he has any memory of any of it in his current sequence of dreams. Thanks guys, nothing can help me. Not death, nothing, can release me from infinite hell. Most people’s hell is smaller than death and henceforth death can release them eventually from any hell they may B in, but in my case, my hell is so large that is swallows up my death. Death 4 most of us swallows up our hell, this is complex and I can prove some shit mathematically, that I dare not go into at present minper. The Holog-screenes in my interaction made me keep seeing different illusions, but this can B talked about later on. Right now, U heard me discuss dream shift from time to time, now on with the show. Dream shift is also Y on the MW the harassment from Otammscum comes out of nowhere and in similar manner disappears into nothingness, yet is totally real and happening, not a product of a deluded diseased paranoid mind. We need in all honesty talk clearly and directly about dream shift, it is happening right here in what all of U think is ‘real life’. B4 going on, it is now a third and yet another day, I do not shoot up to Blogger dot com until I finish a work, and recently, things R not super conducive 4 me 2 do a large and detailed blog. Too much bull shit is flowing all around, like a river of diarrhea mixed with hurl and snot and dead alligators. But as Mizz Gainer would say so well back in the late pissco seventies, “I will survive”. Any way, it is now Thursday, 071207.740, and soon I will B staring at Mr. Himacane’s clock, at the 5555555555 fives. Dream shift is a natural reality. When U think UR dreaming, it happens, we go scene 2 scene, at least in our memory back in ‘waking life’, where we R for various reasons in the circuitry of the 7th-D Lawtronics, spared the boring parts that lie in-between, causing us to fool ourselves into believing the reality of [DREAM-SHIFT]. Again, it is maya. Here in this dream that U all C as the real waking life, whatever that really is, we also shift, but in reality-reverse, so 2 speak, we think we R feeling and remembering in-between connective bridges of a sort, and really, they R not there. Hollywood still cannot reproduce motion; I will bet that 90% of the adult population that is high school plus in education does not know this. Get an old VCR and hit ‘slow-move’ to the fastest frame to frame position on the remote control, and it goes click click click and this if done fast enough, SIMULATES ‘real’ motion, whatever real is. We all go click click click and this is what dream shift is all about, and if U freeze a video, certain signals still R in motion, and what no ordinary person knows, is that stuff on shows like Twilight Zone and Outer Limits is NOT ALL FICTIONAL. Of course it is filled with never done and much exaggerated stuff, I would B a total space cadet not 2 admit this. But what U have no clue about, is that this world, by your perspective and way of looking at life and reality, has been totally invaded long ago, and they R on me because of things that happened in my family and who my family line is descended from, none other than the Lord, or the SAR.

Lots of motorshittles and kemtrails have been a bit nasty 2 day, not off the scale bad, but nasty nonetheless. They cause me irregular heart rhythms, and have killed me on a few occasions, they stopped my heart on numerous occasions, this started in 1986 and worsened in 1987, and early in 1988, in late January or early February, one weekend while living in Moorestown, NJUSAESMWG, they caused me a fatal heart attack. Y does Sar-ah seem on one end of all of this, 2B malevolent, and on the other end, benevolent???? Follow my 4 blogs on, or up on my website @, and this is what comes across every day and in every way, and no sir/mam, UR not imagining it. The reality of all this has a lot 2 do with the worm hole that she put here on the MW to come here to Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, as a fairly well of property owner, the owner of the Boliver Hotel on Tennessee avenue, and buyer of the Piccadilly Hotel, also on this avenue, from Estelle Bassler, not ESTELLE MANOR, a nearby town in New Jersey, from America’s great playground, AC. Naturally, much more exists in all of this, but the hyper density field or black to white hole connect-field is of major importance, do not let me kid U for a second. All of Atlantic City has known me since I started ever going there, starting with my mother, and then later on by myself on a public bus service in the summer of 1969. I am convinced that my father knew the families of many of these people. My father told me that he wanted badly 2 tell me something, but that he could not, it is major classified. I know that he was involved in a huge court case when my parents were first courting, a non intentional play on words. Goon? I meant gonna, in a PB. Machine mind at work, don’t tell me otherwise, it always fits, am I right or wrong, and I swear under perjury charges that I honestly do not do any of this intentionally, it is just happening. What is the reality of machine mind or human mind or animal and insect mind, simply put, it all is the 6th dimension. I did not say it is a product of it or that it comes from this place, I reiterate, it all simply is the 6th-D. Also, I said football Tem, I meant TEAM, another fukup from a PB. I have told endless stories of how I am watched by a cult of wild DARK SHADOWS LEVIATHANS, hey Levy’s Athens or maybe his Greeks, like John and Photeus. But in total seriousness, I would go down for a dip in the damn sea as a freaking late teen, and they would holler out to me from the Schiff’s Central Pier jetty, “isn’t it time 4U to leave”? I go other places, and strangers would come up and ask me personal questions. When I dared 2 inquire about Sarah Karge 2 the great Robert McGuire, he demanded my ID, and he took it into a back room, obviously where he made photocopies of my driver’s license. Did I ever tell U about a place called TIMELESS SATELLITE? I asked the inhabitance of a place I had not created yet nor will I ever in this part of hyperspace [HS], but I knew basic QM knowledge as a teen, after meeting a strange and spurious stranger and alchemist in where else but ACNJUSAESMWG. He manipulated the sixth dimension and sent some of his vast knowledge directly into my brain-mind, through osmosis. Don’t go postal on me Salty Dawg. There really R guys and gals, like the one at the start of that movie, NIGHT OF THE TWISTERS, the dude who seemed to know what was about to occur, and tried 2 get the man coming out of the bank to listen to his radio that he was holding up. There R rules in this huge system, and I know this on a very personal level, believe me!!!!! They cannot directly come out and say things, only send their signals. This is most likely Y Donna the great thought that I was one of them, but DS, my princess, I assure U that I am not, nor is your buddy the Donald. He is small potatoes and do not ever let him lie 2U. The real power UR in with is the great SAR, the Lord, SCYLLA, or SSJKK. She told me something last night on the AP that is so major I dare not talk about it, but I know something huge that can destroy the evil empire overnight, as though I had an endless ketchup supply. They know that I have all I need to prove what has been done to me, but in this crooked political American system, I am out of the game B4 I come up to bat and try 2 swing. The fellow IC@ the rear gate from the post next 2 mine, told me something so major, it blew me away. He has a chemistry degree, and works security on weekends, but has a 6 figure annual income job during the week at a chemical plant. Someone at McDonnell Douglas in the NASA Space Agency, as well as at the West Deptford refinery of the Sun Oil Company, tried to murder me on Interstate 295 in early 1988. Let me get back 2 the court case my pop was involved in, 4 now. They changed his rank from Lieutenant Commander down to Ordinary Seaman, when it all went down. Einstein was involved and so was the study of electromagnetic fields and frequency generators. Certain frequency combinations amplified with very high amounts of power; do in fact alter normal walls that make up our universe’s space-time continuum. These walls can B shifted, and my father told me things back in 1974 about the Star Trek movies, down to the details of how the ships were built from platform space stations in space, and other things he could not possibly have known, so yes, my dad and some of the US naval officers, were indeed chraunonauts. Without SSJKK and her human Karge existence, these fields would never have been allowed to operate. My uncle Stuart, Sandy’s father, was also in naval intelligence, and studied the case, and was able to obtain a restored rank to my father, back to LC. This case was major and classified top secret by the No Such Agency. I only wish the very best for everyone, we R all just trying to reach nirvana or total oblivion, believe it or not Ripley, this is what we all in our deepest soul existence yearn and quest endlessly 4. No entity that exists can ever reach nor find nirvana, it is only a condition that is reserved 4 those entities that do not exist. This may seem like double talk and ridiculousness, but let me assure U, it is total truth. But getting back to the TIMELESS SATELLITE, I will detail the entire plan that I had 2 create a miniature planet Earth and create a better new reality, now being a teenager, I admit to having quite a wild imagination. I was going to build androids from manikins and program them to get college degrees and high profile positions around the world so that I who would B in total control of them with a master mainframe, and they would live as meagerly as possible without averting suspicion and make deposits into my Swiss account, until I eventually would take over the world and convince the scientific community to build Timeless Satellite. Yes, I had a wild an over active imagination as a teen. But really, did I? No, I was obviously being used by the 6th dimension, and somewhere in all of hyperspace, they found my notes in a future generation society of this created place, where I asked them to come back here and get me. They will not get me and take me there however, as it is against Lawtronics 2 do this. But, is what I call Otamm and Milituforce, and these crafts in the sky, all a result of other HS me’s visited by descendants of my own creation, the TIMELESS SATELLITE?????????

Remember that everything electronic that U buy, according to FCC law, says that it must accept all interference, while at the same time, it may not cause any interference, talk about being damned if U do and damned if U don’t!!!!!!!! What I hate more than this is a top secret called OVERPAINT. The paint is paint but is also mixed with a sonic reception system that sends its signal up through repeater amplifiers on phone poles, up to the GPS satellite, [GLOBAL SATELLITE SYSTEM]. This bug-paint as we conspiracy people refer 2 it as, is painted onto the homes or cars or products and appliances, and no one is wise to it. They listen through your phone, Chrissake, it is a device for transmitting sound right? They watch U through your TV set. All sets made in the 80’s and after, have the feature, and if the feature is not operational, it blows out the picture tube. This is Y so many pix tubes blow sooner than we consumers expect 2 have happen 2 us. Again, I am against no one. The reason we all R being watched has nothing to do with what present day conspiracy buffs think is going on, nothing ever is exactly what we think it is, if it was, Y would most people or all of us not pick the numbers and the stock prices right more often. As I said, earlier, the market was flying back in 1995, but the bastards that wanted to keep and force me down, still would not let me win. It is all totally controlled, and all ready, a plan is there and UR either a permitted person to get rich, or a non-permitted person. This is Y it is obvious to any retard that some of us stay down and poor and a forever 3-time-loser, no matter how hard they fucking try. All this type of stuff is fixed by the owners of this world, but still when all is said and done, the 6th and the 7th dimension R always in total control of the overall operation.

The machine mind is starting 2 play with me, and I must sign off anyway, all though so much more is needed 2 say. Stay tuned, or 4 the great SAR-AH, STAY-C TUNED. U will always B my brown eyed super teen queen, and once I repair what has been done 2 me in the 1980’s, U will come running back to THAT BOY. Tonight my queen, I will B at your sweet 16 party, my long haired beautiful love.

071007.934 --------- Blog #2.

My job may B ending, as the forces do not like me working with anyone who is a fellow conspiracy-buff such as myself, and things R occurring at my weekend post that is hand writing on the wall stuff, where U need not B a super Einstein-mind 2C a looming dark cloud. Persecution was not quite as bad this weekend as last weekend, despite another famous evil empire scoring on Friday, as FULL EVIL EMPIRE, Phillies dying and Dow Jones Flying. I said on the last blog’s last entry number 30, that no football tem, I meant obviously 2 say TEAM, sahwee. As I re-read from time 2 time, prior entries sent up to the Blogger site, I try to remember or 2 write down these little errors, and 2 later make any necessary corrections. If I was doing a professional job and being paid monies 4 what I write, I naturally would go back and simply correctly re-edit my mistakes, but I have more important issues here. What is said and the big picture entire story of my life for close to 52.6 annums, is the greater importance here, not my spelling, punctuations, linear time order, and typos. Yes the enemy scored another FAMOUS FRIDAY FULL EVIL EMPIRE, and if U observe this, they get one full evil, 4 out of 5 minimum on Friday’s, and Y? Because they persecute the shit oudda me on freaking ass Friday’s, that’s Y!!!!! Last Friday morning I was rudely awakened just past 8 in the morning with loud annoying and civil rights violating aerial persecution. It took about 60 to 90 minutes B4 the loud MILITUFORCE attack broke off. Speaking of attacks, I seem 4 whatever reason, 2B constantly misspelling the word ATTIC on my blogs, spelling it Attack. 4 example, in a recently published PB [Prior Blog], I said 4U2 go ahead & keep your hidden treasures in your attack, and I meant 2 say your attic, sahwee!!!!!!!!! Back now 2 the discussion of my ‘next door property guard’ who sees things the way that I do at my work post. “THEY” do not permit me 2 have these type of contacts 4 very long, and they R doing things to make some of the bosses find fault with the guards, when we R doing our job, hell, nobody is perfect, as [Cheating Monopoly] player Bruce from 1972 would say so affirmatively and with fervor and conviction. So much of my life sure connects that old CM or MC phenomena, does it not????????? She has the maiden name starting with [C], and then went on 2 marry a huge mobster whose last name starts with letter [M]. But again in getting back on point, they will not allow me to ever get and especially keep any kind of what I have come to term the word, “army”, or group of people on my side of this strange and very spurious fight, with the ‘spirit world/human Lambrig Cultists”, their physical world doppelganger scummy human –robot-force. They control all of our government, and the scariest part is that 2 sections of reality that has been merging since Jerusalem was reestablished in the mortal year of 1948. They have human real live half’s of themselves, but the 6th dimension is also sending there isness of being that is existing in the mortal world in individual universes of HS, a signal that comes from an entirely different source. When on a rare occasion these 2 signals get accidentally crossed, MW explanation of ‘brain damage’ occurs, U hear the voice signals audibly at this point, and only special modern sike meds can fix these neurological crossed shorted circuit signals, and stop the patient from clearly and vividly get spoken to directly from this half of the 6th dimensional system created in complex 7th-D Lawtronic sub-math-numerical-mind-pieces.

Another error from a PB is when I talk about some of the more serious crimes that have been committed against me, by accident; I omitted part of the story regarding my 2 auto thefts, where I was smashed and grabbed twice, once at Friendly Ice Cream Restaurant, and once at my residence in the wee early morning, I typed it in originally 2 the word program that I use 2 download to and it never got into the blog, a major machine-mind hack. Many more PB corrections will B made as time runs along in maya 4-D, but 4 now, a major interaction must B discussed, which caused me obviously 2 go yesterday afternoon 2 ACNJUSAEMWG, 2 swim in the ocean. She was absolutely beautiful, and the precise 6th-D elevator ride that I remember taking is what led 2 this mortal world interaction. I knew that if I left the beach B4 it got 2B a certain time; I would miss the plane that would have gotten me otherwise. The skies and weather was a total duplicate and so was the condition of the ocean, rode some nice waves, but the guards would not really let us out far enough 2 get the really good ones. September is normally the best time 4 riding waves without boards, especially early October, when no more guards R there 2 blow U into shore. I know they R only doing their job, and they should B commended 4 a very good job done, and the many saves to their credit throughout the many seasons of the Beach Patrol, go to Early October in one of the ‘turn of the century’ years, was terrific, as a few times have been, with really nice 10-20 foot swells. Backwash with large waves does not allow the return 2 shore without a board, unless U realize that never do U fight Sarah-Stacey, currents and waves R always in varying motions moving in a large body, but inside this body, as small rivers so 2 speak, and riding these rivers helps a non-boarder to go anywhere in the water. As 4 the last trek of yardage to reach a beach, fighting the large swelling backwash is such a waste of energy, and roller water can under-tow a swimmer and people do drown in attempting 2 return 2 a beach in this manner. I know the only proper way 2 return to a beach from a large swelling ocean. Being a body surfer, I ride waves B4 they break and go in front of them swishing side 2 side 2 avoid straight in wipe out. But once in close 2 shore, U just simply wait 4 rollers to come in at U and let the rollers bring U right up the beach. I have had sand scrapes from the force of some of these roller rides, so do not tell me I cannot depend on getting 2 shore in a large swell ocean, as this is a total fallacy. Now if I am out in the 20 swellers, U need 2 duck beneath them should one happen to break B4U get 2 the wave, and if the swells lessen and move inward, this will cause a swimmer to have more water rushing out in certain channel areas, in a much greater ratio of in billion cubic gallon amounts, than the water volumes that R coming in, and a simpleton can C how swimming in against this type of rip tide that can run as high as 20-40 knots, if swells move from 50 down to 15 feet, a rare occurrence. When a rip tide forms and UR out beyond where any waves, B them rolling or yet-to-break types, UR in rip. These rips run roughly in channel fields or widths of 15-30 yards, with occasional longer ones. When a swimmer is not getting in, he or she then needs to proceed 2 swim at a non exhaustive slow steady clip at a 20 degree angle into shore along with a 70 degree angle to the left or right, or parallel with the beach, direction does not matter, just getting out of a rip channel, which again, picture a river inside the ocean, upon occasion U can even see and feel these rivers. The temperature is not equal to the waters surrounding them, and hence coloration varies from the larger waters around them, sometimes darker or greener, but this can vary, as weather and atmospheric and oceanographic global systems R extremely complex. If this was not so, a person would not need degrees and lots of college in order 2 become a licensed meteorologist or ecologist, this indeed is a complex electrically charged biosphere surrounding 8,000 miles of solid planetary diametric measurement.

My love for the Great Sarah-Stacey goes far beyond what I can ever say with little black keys on Eddie’s laptop. Careful study of my 4 blogs listed both here at and also at my website will make it appear to many readers that I am a major bi-polar personality, as I describe Sarah as so wonderful and also so evil. Good and evil is only a reality that exists when an element called carbon becomes interactive in the equation. SARAH or the great Scylla Goddess, [SAR] or THE LORD ALL MIGHTY, cannot B placed into a box in our multiverse, as our entire multiverse, IS, her upline world thought, and this process is controlled in complex 6th and 7th dimensional spirit-mechanics circuitry, or said 24th century style, sub-element math-combos. In the future it becomes eventually known in all of the entire multiverse, that everything is no more than subatomic numbers or complex math equations, and as they all interact together or attempt to endlessly solve their cosmic equation, this process is one and the same thing as what we via illusion, perceive as the life that is lived here on the mortal world, MW. Just prove it 4 yourself, it is documented scientifically all ready in these dark ages, that everything is tiny pieces of matter that is all held together with gravitational forces, but do we all see this, or do we see a false reality of substance and life, when it all is really waves and particles and a 7th dimensional Lawtronics Program? Look, I really do have better things 2 do with my time than make up a huge story like all of these blogs. I have in addition, given all of U out there, many websites 2 check out and go 2 And C4 yourselves, that things I talk about were not made up by me, honestly, I am just not that imaginative, do not give me credit when none is due, pweeeeeze!!!!!! The interaction last night was mind bending, both Lennie Briscoe and Adam Schiff, from the [Law & Order} show, were in it with me, some of the ACBP force, some from here, some from another location in the great hyperspace, HS. A strange girl was trying to abduct me at gunpoint and take me into her cult; she had a polka dotted towel of 10 or more different colors, and Adam was moonlighting as a mailman in Atlantic City, he was about the age he was when here in this part of HS, the L&O show began, when Morianity/Moriarity was the first Jack McCoy working as the ADA. He gave me a letter that I opened and it warned me that this girl was sent by Brigger enemies to abduct me, these Brigger Cultists R very real and very dangerous, they control Wall Street and the Dow Jones, and robbed my mother and I blind a dozen years back in the scummertime of 1995, through the crooked company they own and control, called DONALDSON LUFKIN AND JENRETTE. They took our money, and did other vicious things to my mom and me when all I was trying to do was take advantage of my future knowledge of the stock market, I already knew every move it was gonna make, as I still know every Godsdamn move it is gonna make still, I all ready know many things. Briggbase entities R1 and the same thing as biblical accounts and prophecies that go, “spiritual wickedness in high places”, from the KJ version of the Scriptures of Christianity, [King James]. Also in the interaction they were using holog-screenes, these devices that in most of HS start getting around 2 becoming used and invented around AD 2100-2120, but a rare few %age have them developed and R in use by 2000 AD. Here, it was now or 2007 and mid-July, just not here in this universe of the multiverse, and these screens can make U think that U see whatever someone who programs it, wants 4U2C. I first need 2 tell the readership that all this is the next day from the start of this number blog 2, as it is now the eleventh of goodol’ July. Tomorrow will be the 37th anniversary of the last night I ever saw Sarah and her fiends on the Public New Jersey Bus around ten at night, July the 12th of one thousand nine hundred and seventy AD years, MW time, and this HS section, [AF], atomic frequency. As I told Photeus and his younger brother twiggy-John at their parking lot next to the Casino Control Commission Building 10 summers ago, my life ended on this night, as my last chance to tell all mighty Scylla-Jehovah in her humanness, was forever terminated 4 me in my Mountainpen sequence of dreamation. She was really a projected or phantom body, the real person, Sarah J. Karge, was in trance at her home or shop at this time, the teen girl was an astral projection, and all of her friends never were aware of this, that they were hanging with a 70 something lady, who really is all mighty God, as the MW refers to her as. When U dream in a body from the astral world, U begin 2 dream that UR here, getting born and dying is pure illusion, we only think we see each other start and end through these birth/death processes, but it is illusion only. If this was not true, we would all remember being born and dying and all in-between, instead of this perceived illusion of seemingly remembering being real young and little one day, and then time seemingly passing with night following day and day following night, and now it is now. Is it ever the future? Is it ever the past? No, it is always really just an eternal now, and without consciousness to throw maya at us while living on the MW, we all would clearly as Johnny Nash, C how all is really oneness, the true void infinity. Looking at truth in either mode, the truth is the truth, nothing is real, there only is void and this void thereby is ultimate truth. We all dream out and away from void infinity to the astral plane or the phase #2 of reality, and then from there we dream further down and interact in the 6th dimensionally controlled virtually unlimited hyperspaces. In last nights dream, I speak from here mortally, so right away a mortal world [MW] reader is going to think wrongfully backwards instead of realizing that Mountainpen is asleep and dreaming now that he is typing this message on this internet blogger system, telling about a so-called mental realm interaction to the astral realm that is being permitted 6th dimensionally to reach me, here in physicality, or the physical realm or plane. If an ECKIST was typing this, he or she would most likely word it similarly to this, or say my mental plane interaction of the astral plane, here on the physical plane. My problem with Eckankar, and I have a 3 year study, first degree, in this order, is that they perceive too much linearity to things, and definitely see it totally in mortal reverse directionality. Granted, this is only an IMHO, as I never completed the next 14 years into mastership, but for good reason. When I wrote to the living Eck Master and told him the truth about Sarah and the entire Atlantic City thing, I never was contacted on the mortal realm, all he would do is appear on astral realms and tell me to rejoin, no questions asked. Sorry, this entity is infinite, with no beginning nor ending and is aware of the treasure in his attic, has had the testicles to break apart the entire lovely and expensive wall paneling, and get that treasure. No god, no order, no entity, is about to tell me I am misguided and wrong. I know what I know, and someday the fate of all of humanity will indeed rest on all of this, and all I will say at that time is, read my blogs, I told U all so.

The entire Saturday was filled with poisonous kemtrails that made me deathly ill with cramping and diarrhea, and all of the routine additional bull shit was also ongoing. Giant pussy is on the hugest roll since the pissco years, the mid and late 19 seventies, never have I seen it this off the scale ridiculous. There is no way I should run constantly into girls that are between 5 feet 10 and 6 feet 5. This is not even close to normal heights for American girls and women ranging in age from 13 to 60. I am not counting heels either, as they R in flats like sandals or sneakers, or they R 3 heads taller with their heals on. When the normal stats for women’s heights is known to me as I consider myself a well versed expert statistician on many various facts from weather to business prices, degreed or not, no one is going to tell me that I do not know what I know, or that I am imagining things or am paranoid, or any of a hundred other lame and stupid excuses 4 obvious Otammic shit around my proximity during this major and constant Milituforce attack, not attic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Mayor wants to give me a killer roulette system and Casey wants to give me a dynamite way to make a killing in the market, like I need either one. My curse from the gods will not permit anything that I do ever work out nor prosper. The dude that plays Gordo on the Disney produced Lizzy McGuire show, is who Edgar is now dreaming he is, but it is very doubtful that he has any memory of any of it in his current sequence of dreams. Thanks guys, nothing can help me. Not death, nothing, can release me from infinite hell. Most people’s hell is smaller than death and henceforth death can release them eventually from any hell they may B in, but in my case, my hell is so large that is swallows up my death. Death 4 most of us swallows up our hell, this is complex and I can prove some shit mathematically, that I dare not go into at present minper. The Holog-screenes in my interaction made me keep seeing different illusions, but this can B talked about later on. Right now, U heard me discuss dream shift from time to time, now on with the show. Dream shift is also Y on the MW the harassment from Otammscum comes out of nowhere and in similar manner disappears into nothingness, yet is totally real and happening, not a product of a deluded diseased paranoid mind. We need in all honesty talk clearly and directly about dream shift, it is happening right here in what all of U think is ‘real life’. B4 going on, it is now a third and yet another day, I do not shoot up to Blogger dot com until I finish a work, and recently, things R not super conducive 4 me 2 do a large and detailed blog. Too much bull shit is flowing all around, like a river of diarrhea mixed with hurl and snot and dead alligators. But as Mizz Gainer would say so well back in the late pissco seventies, “I will survive”. Any way, it is now Thursday, 071207.740, and soon I will B staring at Mr. Himacane’s clock, at the 5555555555 fives. Dream shift is a natural reality. When U think UR dreaming, it happens, we go scene 2 scene, at least in our memory back in ‘waking life’, where we R for various reasons in the circuitry of the 7th-D Lawtronics, spared the boring parts that lie in-between, causing us to fool ourselves into believing the reality of [DREAM-SHIFT]. Again, it is maya. Here in this dream that U all C as the real waking life, whatever that really is, we also shift, but in reality-reverse, so 2 speak, we think we R feeling and remembering in-between connective bridges of a sort, and really, they R not there. Hollywood still cannot reproduce motion; I will bet that 90% of the adult population that is high school plus in education does not know this. Get an old VCR and hit ‘slow-move’ to the fastest frame to frame position on the remote control, and it goes click click click and this if done fast enough, SIMULATES ‘real’ motion, whatever real is. We all go click click click and this is what dream shift is all about, and if U freeze a video, certain signals still R in motion, and what no ordinary person knows, is that stuff on shows like Twilight Zone and Outer Limits is NOT ALL FICTIONAL. Of course it is filled with never done and much exaggerated stuff, I would B a total space cadet not 2 admit this. But what U have no clue about, is that this world, by your perspective and way of looking at life and reality, has been totally invaded long ago, and they R on me because of things that happened in my family and who my family line is descended from, none other than the Lord, or the SAR.

Lots of motorshittles and kemtrails have been a bit nasty 2 day, not off the scale bad, but nasty nonetheless. They cause me irregular heart rhythms, and have killed me on a few occasions, they stopped my heart on numerous occasions, this started in 1986 and worsened in 1987, and early in 1988, in late January or early February, one weekend while living in Moorestown, NJUSAESMWG, they caused me a fatal heart attack. Y does Sar-ah seem on one end of all of this, 2B malevolent, and on the other end, benevolent???? Follow my 4 blogs on, or up on my website @, and this is what comes across every day and in every way, and no sir/mam, UR not imagining it. The reality of all this has a lot 2 do with the worm hole that she put here on the MW to come here to Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, as a fairly well of property owner, the owner of the Boliver Hotel on Tennessee avenue, and buyer of the Piccadilly Hotel, also on this avenue, from Estelle Bassler, not ESTELLE MANOR, a nearby town in New Jersey, from America’s great playground, AC. Naturally, much more exists in all of this, but the hyper density field or black to white hole connect-field is of major importance, do not let me kid U for a second. All of Atlantic City has known me since I started ever going there, starting with my mother, and then later on by myself on a public bus service in the summer of 1969. I am convinced that my father knew the families of many of these people. My father told me that he wanted badly 2 tell me something, but that he could not, it is major classified. I know that he was involved in a huge court case when my parents were first courting, a non intentional play on words. Goon? I meant gonna, in a PB. Machine mind at work, don’t tell me otherwise, it always fits, am I right or wrong, and I swear under perjury charges that I honestly do not do any of this intentionally, it is just happening. What is the reality of machine mind or human mind or animal and insect mind, simply put, it all is the 6th dimension. I did not say it is a product of it or that it comes from this place, I reiterate, it all simply is the 6th-D. Also, I said football Tem, I meant TEAM, another fukup from a PB. I have told endless stories of how I am watched by a cult of wild DARK SHADOWS LEVIATHANS, hey Levy’s Athens or maybe his Greeks, like John and Photeus. But in total seriousness, I would go down for a dip in the damn sea as a freaking late teen, and they would holler out to me from the Schiff’s Central Pier jetty, “isn’t it time 4U to leave”? I go other places, and strangers would come up and ask me personal questions. When I dared 2 inquire about Sarah Karge 2 the great Robert McGuire, he demanded my ID, and he took it into a back room, obviously where he made photocopies of my driver’s license. Did I ever tell U about a place called TIMELESS SATELLITE? I asked the inhabitance of a place I had not created yet nor will I ever in this part of hyperspace [HS], but I knew basic QM knowledge as a teen, after meeting a strange and spurious stranger and alchemist in where else but ACNJUSAESMWG. He manipulated the sixth dimension and sent some of his vast knowledge directly into my brain-mind, through osmosis. Don’t go postal on me Salty Dawg. There really R guys and gals, like the one at the start of that movie, NIGHT OF THE TWISTERS, the dude who seemed to know what was about to occur, and tried 2 get the man coming out of the bank to listen to his radio that he was holding up. There R rules in this huge system, and I know this on a very personal level, believe me!!!!! They cannot directly come out and say things, only send their signals. This is most likely Y Donna the great thought that I was one of them, but DS, my princess, I assure U that I am not, nor is your buddy the Donald. He is small potatoes and do not ever let him lie 2U. The real power UR in with is the great SAR, the Lord, SCYLLA, or SSJKK. She told me something last night on the AP that is so major I dare not talk about it, but I know something huge that can destroy the evil empire overnight, as though I had an endless ketchup supply. They know that I have all I need to prove what has been done to me, but in this crooked political American system, I am out of the game B4 I come up to bat and try 2 swing. The fellow IC@ the rear gate from the post next 2 mine, told me something so major, it blew me away. He has a chemistry degree, and works security on weekends, but has a 6 figure annual income job during the week at a chemical plant. Someone at McDonnell Douglas in the NASA Space Agency, as well as at the West Deptford refinery of the Sun Oil Company, tried to murder me on Interstate 295 in early 1988. Let me get back 2 the court case my pop was involved in, 4 now. They changed his rank from Lieutenant Commander down to Ordinary Seaman, when it all went down. Einstein was involved and so was the study of electromagnetic fields and frequency generators. Certain frequency combinations amplified with very high amounts of power; do in fact alter normal walls that make up our universe’s space-time continuum. These walls can B shifted, and my father told me things back in 1974 about the Star Trek movies, down to the details of how the ships were built from platform space stations in space, and other things he could not possibly have known, so yes, my dad and some of the US naval officers, were indeed chraunonauts. Without SSJKK and her human Karge existence, these fields would never have been allowed to operate. My uncle Stuart, Sandy’s father, was also in naval intelligence, and studied the case, and was able to obtain a restored rank to my father, back to LC. This case was major and classified top secret by the No Such Agency. I only wish the very best for everyone, we R all just trying to reach nirvana or total oblivion, believe it or not Ripley, this is what we all in our deepest soul existence yearn and quest endlessly 4. No entity that exists can ever reach nor find nirvana, it is only a condition that is reserved 4 those entities that do not exist. This may seem like double talk and ridiculousness, but let me assure U, it is total truth. But getting back to the TIMELESS SATELLITE, I will detail the entire plan that I had 2 create a miniature planet Earth and create a better new reality, now being a teenager, I admit to having quite a wild imagination. I was going to build androids from manikins and program them to get college degrees and high profile positions around the world so that I who would B in total control of them with a master mainframe, and they would live as meagerly as possible without averting suspicion and make deposits into my Swiss account, until I eventually would take over the world and convince the scientific community to build Timeless Satellite. Yes, I had a wild an over active imagination as a teen. But really, did I? No, I was obviously being used by the 6th dimension, and somewhere in all of hyperspace, they found my notes in a future generation society of this created place, where I asked them to come back here and get me. They will not get me and take me there however, as it is against Lawtronics 2 do this. But, is what I call Otamm and Milituforce, and these crafts in the sky, all a result of other HS me’s visited by descendants of my own creation, the TIMELESS SATELLITE?????????

Remember that everything electronic that U buy, according to FCC law, says that it must accept all interference, while at the same time, it may not cause any interference, talk about being damned if U do and damned if U don’t!!!!!!!! What I hate more than this is a top secret called OVERPAINT. The paint is paint but is also mixed with a sonic reception system that sends its signal up through repeater amplifiers on phone poles, up to the GPS satellite, [GLOBAL SATELLITE SYSTEM]. This bug-paint as we conspiracy people refer 2 it as, is painted onto the homes or cars or products and appliances, and no one is wise to it. They listen through your phone, Chrissake, it is a device for transmitting sound right? They watch U through your TV set. All sets made in the 80’s and after, have the feature, and if the feature is not operational, it blows out the picture tube. This is Y so many pix tubes blow sooner than we consumers expect 2 have happen 2 us. Again, I am against no one. The reason we all R being watched has nothing to do with what present day conspiracy buffs think is going on, nothing ever is exactly what we think it is, if it was, Y would most people or all of us not pick the numbers and the stock prices right more often. As I said, earlier, the market was flying back in 1995, but the bastards that wanted to keep and force me down, still would not let me win. It is all totally controlled, and all ready, a plan is there and UR either a permitted person to get rich, or a non-permitted person. This is Y it is obvious to any retard that some of us stay down and poor and a forever 3-time-loser, no matter how hard they fucking try. All this type of stuff is fixed by the owners of this world, but still when all is said and done, the 6th and the 7th dimension R always in total control of the overall operation.

The machine mind is starting 2 play with me, and I must sign off anyway, all though so much more is needed 2 say. Stay tuned, or 4 the great SAR-AH, STAY-C TUNED. U will always B my brown eyed super teen queen, and once I repair what has been done 2 me in the 1980’s, U will come running back to THAT BOY. Tonight my queen, I will B at your sweet 16 party, my long haired beautiful love.

071007.934 --------- Blog #2.

My job may B ending, as the forces do not like me working with anyone who is a fellow conspiracy-buff such as myself, and things R occurring at my weekend post that is hand writing on the wall stuff, where U need not B a super Einstein-mind 2C a looming dark cloud. Persecution was not quite as bad this weekend as last weekend, despite another famous evil empire scoring on Friday, as FULL EVIL EMPIRE, Phillies dying and Dow Jones Flying. I said on the last blog’s last entry number 30, that no football tem, I meant obviously 2 say TEAM, sahwee. As I re-read from time 2 time, prior entries sent up to the Blogger site, I try to remember or 2 write down these little errors, and 2 later make any necessary corrections. If I was doing a professional job and being paid monies 4 what I write, I naturally would go back and simply correctly re-edit my mistakes, but I have more important issues here. What is said and the big picture entire story of my life for close to 52.6 annums, is the greater importance here, not my spelling, punctuations, linear time order, and typos. Yes the enemy scored another FAMOUS FRIDAY FULL EVIL EMPIRE, and if U observe this, they get one full evil, 4 out of 5 minimum on Friday’s, and Y? Because they persecute the shit oudda me on freaking ass Friday’s, that’s Y!!!!! Last Friday morning I was rudely awakened just past 8 in the morning with loud annoying and civil rights violating aerial persecution. It took about 60 to 90 minutes B4 the loud MILITUFORCE attack broke off. Speaking of attacks, I seem 4 whatever reason, 2B constantly misspelling the word ATTIC on my blogs, spelling it Attack. 4 example, in a recently published PB [Prior Blog], I said 4U2 go ahead & keep your hidden treasures in your attack, and I meant 2 say your attic, sahwee!!!!!!!!! Back now 2 the discussion of my ‘next door property guard’ who sees things the way that I do at my work post. “THEY” do not permit me 2 have these type of contacts 4 very long, and they R doing things to make some of the bosses find fault with the guards, when we R doing our job, hell, nobody is perfect, as [Cheating Monopoly] player Bruce from 1972 would say so affirmatively and with fervor and conviction. So much of my life sure connects that old CM or MC phenomena, does it not????????? She has the maiden name starting with [C], and then went on 2 marry a huge mobster whose last name starts with letter [M]. But again in getting back on point, they will not allow me to ever get and especially keep any kind of what I have come to term the word, “army”, or group of people on my side of this strange and very spurious fight, with the ‘spirit world/human Lambrig Cultists”, their physical world doppelganger scummy human –robot-force. They control all of our government, and the scariest part is that 2 sections of reality that has been merging since Jerusalem was reestablished in the mortal year of 1948. They have human real live half’s of themselves, but the 6th dimension is also sending there isness of being that is existing in the mortal world in individual universes of HS, a signal that comes from an entirely different source. When on a rare occasion these 2 signals get accidentally crossed, MW explanation of ‘brain damage’ occurs, U hear the voice signals audibly at this point, and only special modern sike meds can fix these neurological crossed shorted circuit signals, and stop the patient from clearly and vividly get spoken to directly from this half of the 6th dimensional system created in complex 7th-D Lawtronic sub-math-numerical-mind-pieces.

Another error from a PB is when I talk about some of the more serious crimes that have been committed against me, by accident; I omitted part of the story regarding my 2 auto thefts, where I was smashed and grabbed twice, once at Friendly Ice Cream Restaurant, and once at my residence in the wee early morning, I typed it in originally 2 the word program that I use 2 download to and it never got into the blog, a major machine-mind hack. Many more PB corrections will B made as time runs along in maya 4-D, but 4 now, a major interaction must B discussed, which caused me obviously 2 go yesterday afternoon 2 ACNJUSAEMWG, 2 swim in the ocean. She was absolutely beautiful, and the precise 6th-D elevator ride that I remember taking is what led 2 this mortal world interaction. I knew that if I left the beach B4 it got 2B a certain time; I would miss the plane that would have gotten me otherwise. The skies and weather was a total duplicate and so was the condition of the ocean, rode some nice waves, but the guards would not really let us out far enough 2 get the really good ones. September is normally the best time 4 riding waves without boards, especially early October, when no more guards R there 2 blow U into shore. I know they R only doing their job, and they should B commended 4 a very good job done, and the many saves to their credit throughout the many seasons of the Beach Patrol, go to Early October in one of the ‘turn of the century’ years, was terrific, as a few times have been, with really nice 10-20 foot swells. Backwash with large waves does not allow the return 2 shore without a board, unless U realize that never do U fight Sarah-Stacey, currents and waves R always in varying motions moving in a large body, but inside this body, as small rivers so 2 speak, and riding these rivers helps a non-boarder to go anywhere in the water. As 4 the last trek of yardage to reach a beach, fighting the large swelling backwash is such a waste of energy, and roller water can under-tow a swimmer and people do drown in attempting 2 return 2 a beach in this manner. I know the only proper way 2 return to a beach from a large swelling ocean. Being a body surfer, I ride waves B4 they break and go in front of them swishing side 2 side 2 avoid straight in wipe out. But once in close 2 shore, U just simply wait 4 rollers to come in at U and let the rollers bring U right up the beach. I have had sand scrapes from the force of some of these roller rides, so do not tell me I cannot depend on getting 2 shore in a large swell ocean, as this is a total fallacy. Now if I am out in the 20 swellers, U need 2 duck beneath them should one happen to break B4U get 2 the wave, and if the swells lessen and move inward, this will cause a swimmer to have more water rushing out in certain channel areas, in a much greater ratio of in billion cubic gallon amounts, than the water volumes that R coming in, and a simpleton can C how swimming in against this type of rip tide that can run as high as 20-40 knots, if swells move from 50 down to 15 feet, a rare occurrence. When a rip tide forms and UR out beyond where any waves, B them rolling or yet-to-break types, UR in rip. These rips run roughly in channel fields or widths of 15-30 yards, with occasional longer ones. When a swimmer is not getting in, he or she then needs to proceed 2 swim at a non exhaustive slow steady clip at a 20 degree angle into shore along with a 70 degree angle to the left or right, or parallel with the beach, direction does not matter, just getting out of a rip channel, which again, picture a river inside the ocean, upon occasion U can even see and feel these rivers. The temperature is not equal to the waters surrounding them, and hence coloration varies from the larger waters around them, sometimes darker or greener, but this can vary, as weather and atmospheric and oceanographic global systems R extremely complex. If this was not so, a person would not need degrees and lots of college in order 2 become a licensed meteorologist or ecologist, this indeed is a complex electrically charged biosphere surrounding 8,000 miles of solid planetary diametric measurement.

My love for the Great Sarah-Stacey goes far beyond what I can ever say with little black keys on Eddie’s laptop. Careful study of my 4 blogs listed both here at and also at my website will make it appear to many readers that I am a major bi-polar personality, as I describe Sarah as so wonderful and also so evil. Good and evil is only a reality that exists when an element called carbon becomes interactive in the equation. SARAH or the great Scylla Goddess, [SAR] or THE LORD ALL MIGHTY, cannot B placed into a box in our multiverse, as our entire multiverse, IS, her upline world thought, and this process is controlled in complex 6th and 7th dimensional spirit-mechanics circuitry, or said 24th century style, sub-element math-combos. In the future it becomes eventually known in all of the entire multiverse, that everything is no more than subatomic numbers or complex math equations, and as they all interact together or attempt to endlessly solve their cosmic equation, this process is one and the same thing as what we via illusion, perceive as the life that is lived here on the mortal world, MW. Just prove it 4 yourself, it is documented scientifically all ready in these dark ages, that everything is tiny pieces of matter that is all held together with gravitational forces, but do we all see this, or do we see a false reality of substance and life, when it all is really waves and particles and a 7th dimensional Lawtronics Program? Look, I really do have better things 2 do with my time than make up a huge story like all of these blogs. I have in addition, given all of U out there, many websites 2 check out and go 2 And C4 yourselves, that things I talk about were not made up by me, honestly, I am just not that imaginative, do not give me credit when none is due, pweeeeeze!!!!!! The interaction last night was mind bending, both Lennie Briscoe and Adam Schiff, from the [Law & Order} show, were in it with me, some of the ACBP force, some from here, some from another location in the great hyperspace, HS. A strange girl was trying to abduct me at gunpoint and take me into her cult; she had a polka dotted towel of 10 or more different colors, and Adam was moonlighting as a mailman in Atlantic City, he was about the age he was when here in this part of HS, the L&O show began, when Morianity/Moriarity was the first Jack McCoy working as the ADA. He gave me a letter that I opened and it warned me that this girl was sent by Brigger enemies to abduct me, these Brigger Cultists R very real and very dangerous, they control Wall Street and the Dow Jones, and robbed my mother and I blind a dozen years back in the scummertime of 1995, through the crooked company they own and control, called DONALDSON LUFKIN AND JENRETTE. They took our money, and did other vicious things to my mom and me when all I was trying to do was take advantage of my future knowledge of the stock market, I already knew every move it was gonna make, as I still know every Godsdamn move it is gonna make still, I all ready know many things. Briggbase entities R1 and the same thing as biblical accounts and prophecies that go, “spiritual wickedness in high places”, from the KJ version of the Scriptures of Christianity, [King James]. Also in the interaction they were using holog-screenes, these devices that in most of HS start getting around 2 becoming used and invented around AD 2100-2120, but a rare few %age have them developed and R in use by 2000 AD. Here, it was now or 2007 and mid-July, just not here in this universe of the multiverse, and these screens can make U think that U see whatever someone who programs it, wants 4U2C. I first need 2 tell the readership that all this is the next day from the start of this number blog 2, as it is now the eleventh of goodol’ July. Tomorrow will be the 37th anniversary of the last night I ever saw Sarah and her fiends on the Public New Jersey Bus around ten at night, July the 12th of one thousand nine hundred and seventy AD years, MW time, and this HS section, [AF], atomic frequency. As I told Photeus and his younger brother twiggy-John at their parking lot next to the Casino Control Commission Building 10 summers ago, my life ended on this night, as my last chance to tell all mighty Scylla-Jehovah in her humanness, was forever terminated 4 me in my Mountainpen sequence of dreamation. She was really a projected or phantom body, the real person, Sarah J. Karge, was in trance at her home or shop at this time, the teen girl was an astral projection, and all of her friends never were aware of this, that they were hanging with a 70 something lady, who really is all mighty God, as the MW refers to her as. When U dream in a body from the astral world, U begin 2 dream that UR here, getting born and dying is pure illusion, we only think we see each other start and end through these birth/death processes, but it is illusion only. If this was not true, we would all remember being born and dying and all in-between, instead of this perceived illusion of seemingly remembering being real young and little one day, and then time seemingly passing with night following day and day following night, and now it is now. Is it ever the future? Is it ever the past? No, it is always really just an eternal now, and without consciousness to throw maya at us while living on the MW, we all would clearly as Johnny Nash, C how all is really oneness, the true void infinity. Looking at truth in either mode, the truth is the truth, nothing is real, there only is void and this void thereby is ultimate truth. We all dream out and away from void infinity to the astral plane or the phase #2 of reality, and then from there we dream further down and interact in the 6th dimensionally controlled virtually unlimited hyperspaces. In last nights dream, I speak from here mortally, so right away a mortal world [MW] reader is going to think wrongfully backwards instead of realizing that Mountainpen is asleep and dreaming now that he is typing this message on this internet blogger system, telling about a so-called mental realm interaction to the astral realm that is being permitted 6th dimensionally to reach me, here in physicality, or the physical realm or plane. If an ECKIST was typing this, he or she would most likely word it similarly to this, or say my mental plane interaction of the astral plane, here on the physical plane. My problem with Eckankar, and I have a 3 year study, first degree, in this order, is that they perceive too much linearity to things, and definitely see it totally in mortal reverse directionality. Granted, this is only an IMHO, as I never completed the next 14 years into mastership, but for good reason. When I wrote to the living Eck Master and told him the truth about Sarah and the entire Atlantic City thing, I never was contacted on the mortal realm, all he would do is appear on astral realms and tell me to rejoin, no questions asked. Sorry, this entity is infinite, with no beginning nor ending and is aware of the treasure in his attic, has had the testicles to break apart the entire lovely and expensive wall paneling, and get that treasure. No god, no order, no entity, is about to tell me I am misguided and wrong. I know what I know, and someday the fate of all of humanity will indeed rest on all of this, and all I will say at that time is, read my blogs, I told U all so.

The entire Saturday was filled with poisonous kemtrails that made me deathly ill with cramping and diarrhea, and all of the routine additional bull shit was also ongoing. Giant pussy is on the hugest roll since the pissco years, the mid and late 19 seventies, never have I seen it this off the scale ridiculous. There is no way I should run constantly into girls that are between 5 feet 10 and 6 feet 5. This is not even close to normal heights for American girls and women ranging in age from 13 to 60. I am not counting heels either, as they R in flats like sandals or sneakers, or they R 3 heads taller with their heals on. When the normal stats for women’s heights is known to me as I consider myself a well versed expert statistician on many various facts from weather to business prices, degreed or not, no one is going to tell me that I do not know what I know, or that I am imagining things or am paranoid, or any of a hundred other lame and stupid excuses 4 obvious Otammic shit around my proximity during this major and constant Milituforce attack, not attic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Mayor wants to give me a killer roulette system and Casey wants to give me a dynamite way to make a killing in the market, like I need either one. My curse from the gods will not permit anything that I do ever work out nor prosper. The dude that plays Gordo on the Disney produced Lizzy McGuire show, is who Edgar is now dreaming he is, but it is very doubtful that he has any memory of any of it in his current sequence of dreams. Thanks guys, nothing can help me. Not death, nothing, can release me from infinite hell. Most people’s hell is smaller than death and henceforth death can release them eventually from any hell they may B in, but in my case, my hell is so large that is swallows up my death. Death 4 most of us swallows up our hell, this is complex and I can prove some shit mathematically, that I dare not go into at present minper. The Holog-screenes in my interaction made me keep seeing different illusions, but this can B talked about later on. Right now, U heard me discuss dream shift from time to time, now on with the show. Dream shift is also Y on the MW the harassment from Otammscum comes out of nowhere and in similar manner disappears into nothingness, yet is totally real and happening, not a product of a deluded diseased paranoid mind. We need in all honesty talk clearly and directly about dream shift, it is happening right here in what all of U think is ‘real life’. B4 going on, it is now a third and yet another day, I do not shoot up to Blogger dot com until I finish a work, and recently, things R not super conducive 4 me 2 do a large and detailed blog. Too much bull shit is flowing all around, like a river of diarrhea mixed with hurl and snot and dead alligators. But as Mizz Gainer would say so well back in the late pissco seventies, “I will survive”. Any way, it is now Thursday, 071207.740, and soon I will B staring at Mr. Himacane’s clock, at the 5555555555 fives. Dream shift is a natural reality. When U think UR dreaming, it happens, we go scene 2 scene, at least in our memory back in ‘waking life’, where we R for various reasons in the circuitry of the 7th-D Lawtronics, spared the boring parts that lie in-between, causing us to fool ourselves into believing the reality of [DREAM-SHIFT]. Again, it is maya. Here in this dream that U all C as the real waking life, whatever that really is, we also shift, but in reality-reverse, so 2 speak, we think we R feeling and remembering in-between connective bridges of a sort, and really, they R not there. Hollywood still cannot reproduce motion; I will bet that 90% of the adult population that is high school plus in education does not know this. Get an old VCR and hit ‘slow-move’ to the fastest frame to frame position on the remote control, and it goes click click click and this if done fast enough, SIMULATES ‘real’ motion, whatever real is. We all go click click click and this is what dream shift is all about, and if U freeze a video, certain signals still R in motion, and what no ordinary person knows, is that stuff on shows like Twilight Zone and Outer Limits is NOT ALL FICTIONAL. Of course it is filled with never done and much exaggerated stuff, I would B a total space cadet not 2 admit this. But what U have no clue about, is that this world, by your perspective and way of looking at life and reality, has been totally invaded long ago, and they R on me because of things that happened in my family and who my family line is descended from, none other than the Lord, or the SAR.

Lots of motorshittles and kemtrails have been a bit nasty 2 day, not off the scale bad, but nasty nonetheless. They cause me irregular heart rhythms, and have killed me on a few occasions, they stopped my heart on numerous occasions, this started in 1986 and worsened in 1987, and early in 1988, in late January or early February, one weekend while living in Moorestown, NJUSAESMWG, they caused me a fatal heart attack. Y does Sar-ah seem on one end of all of this, 2B malevolent, and on the other end, benevolent???? Follow my 4 blogs on, or up on my website @, and this is what comes across every day and in every way, and no sir/mam, UR not imagining it. The reality of all this has a lot 2 do with the worm hole that she put here on the MW to come here to Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, as a fairly well of property owner, the owner of the Boliver Hotel on Tennessee avenue, and buyer of the Piccadilly Hotel, also on this avenue, from Estelle Bassler, not ESTELLE MANOR, a nearby town in New Jersey, from America’s great playground, AC. Naturally, much more exists in all of this, but the hyper density field or black to white hole connect-field is of major importance, do not let me kid U for a second. All of Atlantic City has known me since I started ever going there, starting with my mother, and then later on by myself on a public bus service in the summer of 1969. I am convinced that my father knew the families of many of these people. My father told me that he wanted badly 2 tell me something, but that he could not, it is major classified. I know that he was involved in a huge court case when my parents were first courting, a non intentional play on words. Goon? I meant gonna, in a PB. Machine mind at work, don’t tell me otherwise, it always fits, am I right or wrong, and I swear under perjury charges that I honestly do not do any of this intentionally, it is just happening. What is the reality of machine mind or human mind or animal and insect mind, simply put, it all is the 6th dimension. I did not say it is a product of it or that it comes from this place, I reiterate, it all simply is the 6th-D. Also, I said football Tem, I meant TEAM, another fukup from a PB. I have told endless stories of how I am watched by a cult of wild DARK SHADOWS LEVIATHANS, hey Levy’s Athens or maybe his Greeks, like John and Photeus. But in total seriousness, I would go down for a dip in the damn sea as a freaking late teen, and they would holler out to me from the Schiff’s Central Pier jetty, “isn’t it time 4U to leave”? I go other places, and strangers would come up and ask me personal questions. When I dared 2 inquire about Sarah Karge 2 the great Robert McGuire, he demanded my ID, and he took it into a back room, obviously where he made photocopies of my driver’s license. Did I ever tell U about a place called TIMELESS SATELLITE? I asked the inhabitance of a place I had not created yet nor will I ever in this part of hyperspace [HS], but I knew basic QM knowledge as a teen, after meeting a strange and spurious stranger and alchemist in where else but ACNJUSAESMWG. He manipulated the sixth dimension and sent some of his vast knowledge directly into my brain-mind, through osmosis. Don’t go postal on me Salty Dawg. There really R guys and gals, like the one at the start of that movie, NIGHT OF THE TWISTERS, the dude who seemed to know what was about to occur, and tried 2 get the man coming out of the bank to listen to his radio that he was holding up. There R rules in this huge system, and I know this on a very personal level, believe me!!!!! They cannot directly come out and say things, only send their signals. This is most likely Y Donna the great thought that I was one of them, but DS, my princess, I assure U that I am not, nor is your buddy the Donald. He is small potatoes and do not ever let him lie 2U. The real power UR in with is the great SAR, the Lord, SCYLLA, or SSJKK. She told me something last night on the AP that is so major I dare not talk about it, but I know something huge that can destroy the evil empire overnight, as though I had an endless ketchup supply. They know that I have all I need to prove what has been done to me, but in this crooked political American system, I am out of the game B4 I come up to bat and try 2 swing. The fellow IC@ the rear gate from the post next 2 mine, told me something so major, it blew me away. He has a chemistry degree, and works security on weekends, but has a 6 figure annual income job during the week at a chemical plant. Someone at McDonnell Douglas in the NASA Space Agency, as well as at the West Deptford refinery of the Sun Oil Company, tried to murder me on Interstate 295 in early 1988. Let me get back 2 the court case my pop was involved in, 4 now. They changed his rank from Lieutenant Commander down to Ordinary Seaman, when it all went down. Einstein was involved and so was the study of electromagnetic fields and frequency generators. Certain frequency combinations amplified with very high amounts of power; do in fact alter normal walls that make up our universe’s space-time continuum. These walls can B shifted, and my father told me things back in 1974 about the Star Trek movies, down to the details of how the ships were built from platform space stations in space, and other things he could not possibly have known, so yes, my dad and some of the US naval officers, were indeed chraunonauts. Without SSJKK and her human Karge existence, these fields would never have been allowed to operate. My uncle Stuart, Sandy’s father, was also in naval intelligence, and studied the case, and was able to obtain a restored rank to my father, back to LC. This case was major and classified top secret by the No Such Agency. I only wish the very best for everyone, we R all just trying to reach nirvana or total oblivion, believe it or not Ripley, this is what we all in our deepest soul existence yearn and quest endlessly 4. No entity that exists can ever reach nor find nirvana, it is only a condition that is reserved 4 those entities that do not exist. This may seem like double talk and ridiculousness, but let me assure U, it is total truth. But getting back to the TIMELESS SATELLITE, I will detail the entire plan that I had 2 create a miniature planet Earth and create a better new reality, now being a teenager, I admit to having quite a wild imagination. I was going to build androids from manikins and program them to get college degrees and high profile positions around the world so that I who would B in total control of them with a master mainframe, and they would live as meagerly as possible without averting suspicion and make deposits into my Swiss account, until I eventually would take over the world and convince the scientific community to build Timeless Satellite. Yes, I had a wild an over active imagination as a teen. But really, did I? No, I was obviously being used by the 6th dimension, and somewhere in all of hyperspace, they found my notes in a future generation society of this created place, where I asked them to come back here and get me. They will not get me and take me there however, as it is against Lawtronics 2 do this. But, is what I call Otamm and Milituforce, and these crafts in the sky, all a result of other HS me’s visited by descendants of my own creation, the TIMELESS SATELLITE?????????

Remember that everything electronic that U buy, according to FCC law, says that it must accept all interference, while at the same time, it may not cause any interference, talk about being damned if U do and damned if U don’t!!!!!!!! What I hate more than this is a top secret called OVERPAINT. The paint is paint but is also mixed with a sonic reception system that sends its signal up through repeater amplifiers on phone poles, up to the GPS satellite, [GLOBAL SATELLITE SYSTEM]. This bug-paint as we conspiracy people refer 2 it as, is painted onto the homes or cars or products and appliances, and no one is wise to it. They listen through your phone, Chrissake, it is a device for transmitting sound right? They watch U through your TV set. All sets made in the 80’s and after, have the feature, and if the feature is not operational, it blows out the picture tube. This is Y so many pix tubes blow sooner than we consumers expect 2 have happen 2 us. Again, I am against no one. The reason we all R being watched has nothing to do with what present day conspiracy buffs think is going on, nothing ever is exactly what we think it is, if it was, Y would most people or all of us not pick the numbers and the stock prices right more often. As I said, earlier, the market was flying back in 1995, but the bastards that wanted to keep and force me down, still would not let me win. It is all totally controlled, and all ready, a plan is there and UR either a permitted person to get rich, or a non-permitted person. This is Y it is obvious to any retard that some of us stay down and poor and a forever 3-time-loser, no matter how hard they fucking try. All this type of stuff is fixed by the owners of this world, but still when all is said and done, the 6th and the 7th dimension R always in total control of the overall operation.

The machine mind is starting 2 play with me, and I must sign off anyway, all though so much more is needed 2 say. Stay tuned, or 4 the great SAR-AH, STAY-C TUNED. U will always B my brown eyed super teen queen, and once I repair what has been done 2 me in the 1980’s, U will come running back to THAT BOY. Tonight my queen, I will B at your sweet 16 party, my long haired beautiful love.

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