BLOG # 22--------DATFILE 00000V
I am under a huge death siege from scum bag MO, the ONE THIRD OF THE GREAT millionth council, slang-astral world named, the Briggers, or the LAMBRIGG CULT. These dirt balls control all communications, entertainment networks in all of the movie world, the musical world, and all other forms of mediums that deliver what we as mortal man would perceive as ENTERTAINMENT. The other two thirds of this ‘lovely’ MILLIONTH COUNCIL, or the AWA, standing 4 the Astral World Authority, is not evil, but in total contrast, quite fair, just, and benevolent, ruling with a firm but loving hand, the true originators of mercy, justice, and tough love. Still, the evil wicked Briggers, that Ricktonians refer 2 as the SHADOW MONSTERS, R not easily overcome by their better two thirds of this great and powerful astral plane governing body, as this bad part is still, THEM, and my father sold out RICKTOWN to these rotten entities and whoever sits in their seat every 8 million years, the council is still the council, but there is the KALPA, a period of elections on the astral world, and they can B individually voted out by anyone wishing 2 replace them, should they get enough pull and influence and resources 2 do so in the allotted time, U think physical world politics can get complex, U ain’t seen the fingernails of Al Jolson yet, as astral politics is way beyond complex, and I could not start to educate the collective consciousness that exists in hyperspacial physicality, to all of these incredible complexities, that make up the one million governing entities and beings, as well as the trillions of subordinate positions that R referred to as SUBCOUNCIL, which includes the enforcers, sort of like state and local Earth police and federal agents, and many other things just too lengthy to get into now. The council is actually an interchangeable reality on the mortal worlds with electrical reality and charged biosphere particles that exists in our atmosphere, including the magnetosphere above the stratosphere, as well as the field of ever neutralizing charge between the ground, the center radius midpoint of the planet, and the surrounding top edge of the magnetosphere. They actually co-exist as any and all machines/devices, such as tape recorders, movie cameras, computers, telephones, any device for multi-media purposes, communications purposes, computational purposes, and power purposes. When the Brigger dirt bag enemies, or MO as I personally refer 2 them as in my present and current sequence of dreaming called Mountainpen, or my life as me here on the mortal world, would connect into any of my existing sieges, the hellishness increased not linearly but beyond quantitatively. When I took a hack that I refer in much blogging as MACHINE MIND, a polite way of saying MCI, not the telecommunications giant, but MILLIONTH COUNCIL INTERFERENCE, the other day here at Eddie Him’s place, the, the word DECIDED did not come out, the start of the word just never made it into the ‘word perfect’ program. All last week, and throughout the weekend, as well as today, major constant MILITUFORCE attacks were prevalent and all over me continuously like flies on a mountain of old loose shit. A chopper attack got me at my residence this morning, in violation of my civil and human and constitutional rights. This chopper struck low loud and hard at Ann Silva’s place back last week also. On real bad days, it follows me from home 2 my job, annoying me both there and at home, as well as on the road, swooping down like a bunch of hungry wolverine pissing slime scum that they R. Kemtrailing has returned with a vicious vengeance also, very major and nasty this afternoon, some last night at work right around dusk as well. Remember, contrails and kemtrails R not the same thing, and normal jet aircrafts making a normal vapor trail behind them while they R flying forward, is perfectly natural and normal, and I find no fault in this whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the worst year in my entire life, and I will B 53 years old on the 4th of this December, as Mountainpen. Time is meaningless in the higher truer existence but I am speaking of my current set of dreaming from dream one at 8:30 AM on 12/04/1954, in a hospital in Montgomery County, in the great commonwealth state of Pennsylvania, USAESMWG. 4 two straight weekends, at the job, they blew out my bowels with their death beams, making the Phillies blow out 4 the oh-seven baseball season in a 1-2-3 playoff death!!!!!! This is all a huge parallel event, as they know that fudging with me destroys this team, and there is no stopping this parallel event. It amazes me how much is on the www.google.com about parallel event, in varying ways. Parallel events R both visible and invisible, as lots of atoms held together with centrifugal forces can B seen by the human eye as a solid real object, while the single atoms cannot B seen. A visible parallel event or PE would B if U go every week to a randomly picked bar somewhere, and called the biggest dude there a terrible name and his wife and mother a worse one and started 2 walk away after spitting in his food. The PE would B the dude kicking your front teeth about a half a mile away, verses not doing anything, but an invisible PE, or a IPE in contrast with a VPE, would B sitting at a roulette table in a casino 4 a few hours, and noticing that every time a black and even number comes out, being either a 2,4,6,8,10,22,24,26, or 28, on the next spin of the wheel, the number is followed by a total of only six low or 1-18 numbers, yet has 43 high 0r 19-36 numbers. The IPE is 43/6 for high following black and even outcomes at this table, a ratio way beyond 5.00:1, and any ratio of five to one or better is what should B played, and this is the only way to properly professionally play roulette at a casino. U cannot help walk off with 5 chips a day 3 or 4 days a week, and bwaby-wuv, Y in astral worlds’ name would UB betting small bets? I am talking 1000 bucks a bet, a big bright orange baby on the layout, and wow, there’s a cool 15-20 grand per week, tax free if U want IRS 2 pout U into the Free Hots & Cots Hotel. Now these IPE’s R not 2B disbelieved because they in fact R invisible, so is the freaking atom 4 Chrissake!!!!!!! The teeth getting kicked down your throat after doing a no-no in the bar to a 6-5 350 pound mean drunk dude speaks 4 itself, this is a VPE, VISIBLE Parallel event, but damn it man, there R indeed plenty of invisible ones as well, or IPE, such as the numbering inter-parameter play at a roulette table. I should know, the Statue of Limitations hopefully protects me when I tell U that in the tax year of 1986 I forgot 2 declare nearly ten grand of casino profits from playing PARALLEL EVENT ROULETTE. If not, so I will get a penalty bill 4 what I owe plus interest, but it is not fair really, as I have lost way more over many years of playing in the Jersey casinos, it is fun 2 gamble, and wow can a person lose, but when playing PE, U cannot lose if U only play parallels that R 5:1 and higher in their ratios.
The Millionth Council that is mostly of the good and nice two thirds, the SDKM’s or the Sidkims as some pronounce their abbreviation name, decided in the middle twenty-third AD century in many areas of local centerline hyperspace to us here and now, to use the human scientists and SDI or SIXTH DIMENSIONALLY INFLUENCE these great future men and women, 2 start up this fantastic organization that led 2 worldwide peace and harmony 4 the most part, and control the population of the MW or the Earth World with a fair and just and merciful yet strong hand. Power is needed always 2 back up any controlling and or governing body, but controlling and overpowering with greed verses kindness and giving, this is a concept only one group on the Earth can come even close to properly understanding and receiving mentally, and that is the group calling themselves “born-again-Christians”. They created the whole thing, and R responsible 4 all of it. Think about it 4 the sake of brains: UR finally at a technological point where U can scan into any time and hyperspace, and copy or re-trace the existence of anything scanned. This is the ultimate technology.
The officer that I worked with at the Pipe making plant at the risk of exciting Sarah CM or Lord of the Millionth Council, named HEHA 4 short, blogging exists where I detail how the current day Feds, the FBI did something horrific, but I am not now going to reiterate and harp on it. I went 2 get my mail late last week at my mailbox and a hand delivered letter from her was in there with my other postal delivered mail. She told me that she wants me 2 contact her and that the FBI agent that threatened harm on her ‘lovely daughter’, was out of the EF now and got screwed, and is looking 4 some payback. Now he might B willing 2 testify to a grand jury if I can get 2 a prosecutor and successfully convince him or her of my very long ongoing nightmarish shituation, and if they R then willing 2 convene a Grand Jury 4 this. He was told by the agency 2 literally tell my co-worker, a State of New Jersey Police employee, that harm would come to Amanda Harris, her 15 year old daughter, if she tries 2 help me against my enemies. This officer in both the NJ State Police, and moonlighting in the private security force business, is on tape, and I have many future sound bites that will eventually end up on my website, 2 prove all that I claim is real/e, www.morianity-foundation.com. He now is mad as Dogtown about his pension and firing 4 some other event that I know nothing of, and whether Heha knows it or not, I also cannot swear B4 a Grand Jury. But I will contact her soon, and try 2 meet with this former FBI agent. I have many enemies in the local and state, and federal systems, but they cannot prosecute me, as I have broken none of mans laws directly, shy of my few dollars of casino profit staying in my pocket way back in 1986.
Remember that history markers R a real powerful thing or the MO wouldn’t waste so much energy and time getting rid of as many of them as they can. The MW entertainment system must use a HISTORY MARKER that proves the gods R bored 2 tears and play endless games 2 avoid thinking ever about the hell of never being able 2 reach NIRVANA, the great oblivion. This is Y at the end of all movies and all entertainment world related things, they do not use the English present day numbering system, such as with one quick example, a movie made this year shows that it is copywitten in the studio’s name in the tear MMMVII, and if it was 10 years ago, it would B MCMXCVII, and not 1997. No one really knows how and Y this all got started, except 4 me that is, it is a HISTORY MARKER. The Romans as in Roman Numerals, played the greatest games that their great gods ever gave to this poor whittle world, the gladiators and the coliseums R not the invention of 21st century computer videogame makes, people, wake up, the coffee is starting 2 grow a stench in the pot!!!!!!!!!!
Lots of shit will get said later, but this room is too hot for a laptop computer, and Eddie cannot pay another big utility bill to the Enron Callio Club this month, us poor trailer parkers R all on very limited fixed incomes. Much will B soon told that has not yet been so much as surfaced scratched. MRI does not have to stand just 4 magnetic resonance imaging. It stands also 4 MULTIPLE REALITY INTERACTIONS. The MRI medical tunnels R great when hooked into IMWSPCO or INTEGRETRON MULTI WAVE SOUTH POALRITY CANCELLATION OSCIALLATORS. If being turned back to age 21 on a cellular level and forever remaining there turns U on, that is your business, me, I am busy looking 2 reach total oblivion or nirvana. But MRI, the other MRI, and the great KSWL or the King-Soifer World Lab, controls the mortal world and always has, under the leadership astrally of the GMC or the great MILLIONTH COUNCIL. My second blog here on the MYSTERIES SITE, is DATFILE 00000V, and the one B4 it is DATFILE 00000II. The next one could very well B Date and Time File 00000IX or DATFILE CCCLXXVII yet is really out of order in the reality of Blogger dot com’s point of view? C this is what MRI is about, and YI keep preaching that things R not so perfectly connected into linearity. Remember that 4 me 2 talk 2 U on the internet, I need this room 2 exist, and I need the space 4 it 2B existing in here in Hammonton, and the city I reside in needs the world to put its space inside of, then the world needs the universe of the expanded hyper-sphere 4 it also 2 exist in and move through in its many various orbits. I then need the time so that I can type one key and then another one, in order 4 me 2 form each word, and then publish the blog up to the site. The space and the time in the mortal world is first necessary in order 2 have any type of an interaction. On the great ASTRAL PLANE, U need the interaction that U instantly create with a wink-of-an-eye-thought transmission of a sort, and then the space and the time that the interaction requires 4 its very existence, is then instantly manufactured and created around this interaction. The barrier and magic gateway, the real STARGATE, is the understanding of what separates these two realities of the land of the living and the land of the dead, or the Bardo or astral, whatever U may choose 2 refer 2 it as. This only is as complex a fact, as U choose 2 make it B, by not seeing it in its total simplicity. Man tends humanly to take the simple and make it complex. A real genius takes the complex and then understands how indeed 2 make it all very simple. I do not look 2 make any trouble 4 anyone, but my father sold Ricktown to the Briggbase slime buckets infinities ago, and 499 trillion dollars of approximate dollar value in current USD valuation, was stolen away from Ricktown. Even lightning herself cannot ever undo what my rotten dad did on the astral plane, the gods, there is just so much 2 tell, the gods help all of us. Y the KSWL won’t bring me some popups/sendbacks, is beyond reprehensible 2 my mind. But then, my mind is no more that a receiver, tuning in a 6th dimensional signal, one of an uncountable signal sending station, this great unfathomable elevator room is beyond understanding.
Where da’ Mayor, he is in Pennsylvania doing very important things. Press of Atlantic City, go to Judge Rassu and his Maintenance man Walt, he knows all the details of where and what, about the great BOB, only wish they could tell me how 2 scan back the other BOB in AD2007, the great BOOK OF BEACH. Lots of things went missing, the Motorcycle Chain, the BOB, the Mayor Bob, and my sanity anymore. The gods help me. But Ann Silva’s friends and landlords all know where the BOB is, the pone that counts 2 the Press of ACNJUSAESMWG Aniwho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! END TRANSMISSION OF DATFILE 00000V.
All blogging is co-copywitten in these names if these names R on these blogs.
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