Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Millionth Council and Me, HELP ME SAR-AH


Playing only a defensive football game never will allow any team to win any football game, and U need not live in phase 2 astrality on the Olympian Province TC this major yet simple truth. This is freaking gospel lads and gents. Nor do we need B an Einstein genius 2 know this either. This is just a fact of life 4 Hair and Blair and all of us!!!!!!! The MILLIONTH COUNCIL did not want me 2 ever admit my life details as Zeejins Arthurs. As the really brain trust few even in the early 21st cent R able 2C what is going on. This is not a joke and is definitely a confession 2 a serious crime by me, a crime that I plan 2 do and not 2 do, as this enigma is called a hyperspace time equation or HSTE, and Nostradamus the great seer knew about all of this, as astrally, the 2 English words of Hister and HSTE are the precise same thing, as HSTE is simply the shortened word for HISTER, as the [I] and the [R] in the word HISTER simply drop away. Yes the kemtrailing death-siege from evil demonic MO is still on-going. It is a vicious attack and the chopper that loves 2 shine its pulsating lights down on me, struck me at seconds past midnight on my job site back as Sunday morning was just beginning. If I had my truck mirror handy and they had been strobbing down on me which admitantly they were not doing that all though they were flying only 100 or so feet high and directly zenithing above my guards shack. On top of this, they made my weekend at work and on the road with a monstrous gang of suck off cycles, it was beyond Dogtown, and on top of that they blew away my bowels worse than anything in 10 or more years, and this now is 3 straight freaking back 2 back weekends of this health death attack on Fridays, making the stock market go endlessly up, and the Flyers Hockey team endlessly win, FLYERS WIN AND WIN FOREVER WHILE THE DOW JONES STOCKS GO UP AND UP FOREVER. As long as they have me to endlessly harass and persecute, this ICPE, intentionally created parallel event, will endlessly work 4 these evil rotten filthy dirty MILLIONTH COUNCIL bastard bottom feeders. U may B wondering Y the MC hates the Phillies, loves the Flyers, and wants to keep the stock market forever higher. This can B quickly put 2 rest. If I hated the Phillies, loved the Flyers, and wanted the Dow Jones to gain 20% annually, the MILLIONTH COUNCIL would overnight begin to cause changes in the world wide forces, and instantly, the Flyers would lose 3 out of 4 in the long run over years instead of winning 75%, and the Phillies would magically suddenly win 75% instead of lose over the long run years, and the Dow Jones would drop 3 out of 4 days and points instead of gain them over long run years. JUST KEEP TRACK IF U DO NOT BELIEVE IN THIS SUPER EVIL TRILOGY AND THIS FOREVER GAINING FULL EVIL EMPIRE: Every single Phillies win or Flyers loss, or day the market loses points, assign one point to the righteous empire, ME. Then concentrically, every single Phillies Loss or Flyers win, or day the market gains points, assign one point to the evil empire, THEM. It has absolutely nothing to do with these 3 things; it is all about what I like or love, or what I do not like or despise. U can believe me or not Ripley; I know that I am telling a true story 2 Tammie’s little doctor, as well as 2 the rest of all humanity. It wasn’t me but my best friend, years B4 he was murdered by Mason Jonathan Schau, through a slow poisoning of his food that led him 2 get a stroke and die and fool the Philadelphia County Medical Examiner and Coroner’s Office, this man told me that everything I want is repelled from me like straight out of twitchy-nose Elizabeth Montgomery, while concentrically, everything that I do not want is attracted into my direct proximity, just like Harry Potter magic. Well, this is not Potterkovich City, Halloweentown, or Ricktown, let alone DOGTOWN, this is right here on the mortal world of invisible yet totally real waves and particles, that your human consciousness, and mine, is tricked into seeing and believing as some sort of a real life interaction.

The pulsar chopper attack at my job is a major indicator of new and accelerating MO hell siege, but following my last half dozen blogs, U’ll C how it started with this crash level civil rights violating following chopper at the Hammonton Shop Rite Grocery store, in NJUUSAESMWG. It always starts after small slight back off periods, either with a giant menacing poison kemtrail or a super loud and low private, military, or some kind of aircraft, or a loud and crash level over the tree tops helicopter attack, and this has been going in since 1986, and B4 that, it was 3 years of more covert and less obvious hell, such as screwing with my thyroid gland, and killing me in the summer of 1983, only, as I learned, I was not about 2 remain dead, I am just 2 hot in the AWEN RATINGS, all though at the time, I had not yet in my current MOUNTAINPEN lifetime, come 2 realize all of this. The MILLIONTH COUNCIL is not gonna ever stop screwing with me, and as the old ESOPs FABLE says, and that’s that!!!!!!!! Fable is a strange concept. The weird and strange is more what is really happening around us, than the so called normal, I mean really, come on, if this is not the case, explain 2 me then pretty pweeeze, Y if U reverse most things in and throughout human life, do we get a more accurate truth emerge as a result? Also Y do we therefore appear 2 all B cosmically running backwards or at least, in reverse? Could it B that the worm hole in ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, EARTH, SOL, MILKY WAY GALAXY, or [ACNJUSAESMWG] in abbreviation, is sucking not just our forward time-running matter into itself, but all of us, both while awake and when ‘dreaming’, from time 2 time, I mean really, who the Dogtown really knows, am I so wrong in postulating this concept ladies and gentlemen, Morians and Lessians alike?????????

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