Thursday, November 1, 2007


Rats, Tats, and Playing real Football-subtitled THE PROLOGUE TO “THE EPOTOME OF HARASSEMENT-INTERNET VERSION”.
Thursday-----------------------110107.755 on this darkening evening
DATFILE XIII------------------Blog #30 and final blog under this title

I am under a horrendous attack from the milituforce otammites or the MO as I them abbreviated. Mo is murdering me illegally, VIOLATING MY CIVIL, COCSTITUTIONAL, AND HUMAN RIGHTS, with major constant sky-Scylla attacks, bad kemtrailing, and plenty of loud and low private planes, military planes, choppers, all loud and low and military. The attack all week is bad, but today was brutal, and all though yesterday was not quite as bad in the sky, they shot me illegally with a death beam at the HAMMONTON LIBRARY, NJUSAESMWG. They messed with Himacane’s computer big time and it was out 4 some time, even called Comcast, but they assured us they had no outage, and they were indeed correct. The modem had been messed with by these evil gods, the MO. The Millionth Council is attacking me worse recently than I have seen 4 years, and I fully plan to move off to a remote island for 100 years or so, and come back when things die down, under a totally new identity. If I have 2, I will go away longer than this. TRUCK ALL OF U DICK IN THE MOUTHS!!!!!!!!!! To my friends and MORIANS, please forgive my rotten-French here and all over, none of this derogatory stuff is directed towards any of U, the ones that it is know precisely who the TRUCK they R. When a million Hubble telescopes all put together still makes these pricks unable 2 look up high enough 2C whale excrement, that is LOW, and not 1-18 roulette numbers boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pussy-command is off the dial as a result of days of pure unadulterated siege and dearth-hell. I had 2 practically brush some real young stuff out of my way today, it is so totally unbelievable, it isn’t as though I am some 6 foot five inch 250 pound muscle gymnasium stud that looks like a movie star, no, I am old and fat and ugly as hell and flabby, and short and shrimpy. It is a story that cannot B expected 2B believed, but then what is that I normally say??????? MO thinks they R so safe as they know I am onto their games, and will not do one thing 2 ever flirt back and try to get around the bases with any of these flirtatious and aggressive girls and women, and yes, girls, some of them at a store today, a pharmaceutical chain, were barely able to legally drive an automobile, chronologically. The same plane has been dogging me off and on since the end of last weekend, and over the guard station last Sunday, the winds were too high and strong 4 the legal flying of normal small planes, I know all of the wind and altitude rules and regs, I make it my bizz 2 know, so I can say something is indeed a violation, and that these dirt bags R messing with and persecuting me straight 2 my death grave, only it does not exist, 4 me.

Muzak teasing is off the scale major at every store I go into, and the Cat of Callioville, is also messing with me big time. If I had my way, no entertainment world stuff would ever B on, I would ignore them totally. They impress me like 55 tons of ugly stinky loose moose and goose shit.

I have A RETRACTION 3 PRINT, about Jim Whalen, the Mayor of ACNJUSAESMWG B4 Levy and Langford. I assumed things and misunderstood things that my very good friend Mizz Ann Silva had said 2 me. B4I go on with this topic, they tried 2 stop me from sending my most recent project 2 the UNITED STATES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS OFFICE OF COPYRIGHTS yesterday by knocking out Ed’s computer completely as soon as I called the © office on the telephone and found out that I could download a PA [performing-Arts] copyright form and use the printed out sheets, as I misplaced my “copyright” files, and needed 2 get it off in the mail yesterday, 4 extremely personal reasons that Appolo-Lucifer-Dirtbagshithead knows all 2 well. I hate his miserable trucking guts and all though I am madly in love with his twin sister Diana Zudlecrenesia Arteemis, he and his Briggers or the LAMBRIGG CULT @ THE BRIGGBASE IN THE OLYMPIAN PROVINCE ON THE ASTRAL PLANE, make me miserable with their MILLIONTH COUNCIL-MO continual attacks and various kinds of wicked vicious shit day and night in my infinite life humanly in the great HS, HYPERSPACE. U all C in consciousness, a line in time instead of the special reality that we all dream down from our spiritual or astral being ness which is an original dream down that is out and away from the only truth which is the VOID INFINITY. The gods R fucking with me the gods are fucking with me and Ed can believe whatever he wants, but the font changes were not done by me, they just started occurring. What U call on Earth Satan and the devil, or God the All Mighty, R powerful astral plane gods, and if U would believe me, U would then B on your way towards seeing many other big time truths happening all around all of us and our pathetic sick diseased twisted wicked world. The daytime television serial decades ago, Dark Shadows, showed this cult and its leader, SATAN, call it what the hell ever, Nick Blair called him by one of his more obscure names of Diabolis. This is where our English word diabolical comes from. The plot may indeed B purely a random chance coincidence, but it is real and is Y forces led Mr. Frid, the one whom played the part of BARNABAS COLLINS, the main character of the show, 2 suddenly develop an interest in returning to New York Vaudeville work, and basically ended the show on a very sudden and abrupt note. The Leviathans did not like, or should I say the Lamist Cult from the Briggbase at and on the phase 2 realities on the ASTRAL PLANE, in the GREAT PROVINCE OLYMPIA. Remember Shadows fans, the whole deal when Jeb Hawks and his Leviathan’s, under the control of Satan and his henchman on Earth, Nicholas Blair, were attempting to regain and siege power and control over the Earth MW or PHYSICAL PLANE as the great ECKANKAR SOUND AND LIGHT RELIGION would label it, and the Wall Street guru Skylar Rumson whose stocks all crashed after Nicky and Lucy turned off the power manipulator that was blessing them. If this all was a huge coincidence television show, who am I 2 argue this point? I am not buying it for one astral minper. The show was super successful and then bang zap zonk bam crash Adam West and Batman, it is off the air one day without so much as a whisper of freaking notice!!!!!!!!!!!! All of this is real and not a bit fictional. I have lived through a nightmare that supports that this is all totally real and true, and will testify in any legal proceedings in a court of law, at any time and any place, Donna. There is just way 2 much 2 expand on presently in this area, and this is what another future blog is there 4, so stay-C tuned pweeeeeze!!!!!!!

Death angels R constant, the aerial siege is worse than ever in my life, and so R many other sieges. Giant girls R crawling out of the damn wood work. These Millionth Council forces use 4 main HELL-GROUPS in this war 2 wipe me out and destroy and totally annihilate me: ANIMALS, WEATHER, MACHINES, AND LAST BUT IN NO WAY LEAST HUMANS. There is no way 2 ever win, it is like saying I can put a bug into a room with a child and let them fight it out 2 the death, and need I really say more. It is an ant colony facing a bulldozer. I know I am never going 2 get any help and that I am in eternal hell, I do not wonder about it as I once did, I totally trucking know this factually.

Y would forces want me not 2 send stuff 2 the copyright office, these same forces that for 21+ years have been totally wrecking and ruining my life with this parallel event nightmare game or ICPE? Every time I send a project off 4 copyright, the stock market flies and flies up and up and up and up like a sling freaking shot. So Y then were they fighting me in overdrive in overtime yesterday from doing something that has a proven track record 4 more than 2 straight decades, 2B super bullish 4 Wall Street? Every time that admitantly, I think I have cracked some deep logic that pertains to MO or this Millionth Council, I soon come 2 learn, I am in reality no closer in really figuring out this maze of misery than I was 2, 5, 10, 25 years ago, and I know that I never ever will fucking B!!!!!!!!!!! It is me the crawling little ant thinking that I have the slightest chance in Dogtown of taking on and eventually beating the child that has been pitted against me in the play room.

So what is the sixth dimension and the next logical question is, who made me god or king of all omniscient knowledge so how do I know these things, and aren’t I just a sick delusional arrogant slob? The answer is quite unequivocal and blatant in your face whether U may like it or not, NO. I am not suffering through any psychotic delusions and yes I do have this knowledge. A resident manager 2 an apartment building 4 senior citizens where I did work as a security officer around the turn of the decade of the eighties into the nineties of the prior century, caught another guard intentionally engaging me in conversations after first hiding a micro cassette recorder in the desk drawer in this building’s lobby. He knew of my plight, the manager that is, and the guard somewhat, but Nate, the resident manager told me that night B4 he went to bed 4 the night, as I was on th11-7 AM work shift, “I thought U were a total nut case up until today, and now I want U2 stay away from my wife and me and our kid. I no longer think UR crazy at all, I totally believe U” I stared in disbelief and simply asked him what had occurred to bring this sudden shift of thought pattern into his mind. He said back 2 me B4 walking away and shutting his apartment door and never again speaking 2 me,” When IC one security guard secretly recording another security guard after witnessing him intentionally baiting U into several conversations this past week, well, that did it so lets leave it there, k?” No sir/mam, you’ll just have 2 forgive me when I tell U that I am not deluded nor psychotic, nor mentally ill, at least no more than would B expected after surviving the worst life imaginable, beyond the sick mind of Hitler himself.

When I am all through, my website will not in any way even remotely resemble the way it is today and has been 4 the year that it has existed. It will contain many hours and days worth in combined time that will B filled 2 the brim rim with sound bites including legally recorded telephone conversations, and not limited by any means 2 any of a few things that quickly I could list 4 the sake of this blog. This will eventually B a 24/7/365.2422 streaming A/V website with independently made short films will B downloadable, as I fully plan 2 hire actors and actresses and do movies, as money will B no problem, once the markets reach 20 and 30 thousand and I have 10 contracts on Dow Futures, as opposed to my small existing account. I intend 2 get all of U back 4 what U all have done against me since the freaking day that I was born as MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN. It is only a matter of time until U’ll B ducking and running 4 cover and looking over YOUR shoulder, instead the reverse for 20 something years. The 6th dimension is a reality, not a place, that is Y the multiverses or products of thought-memory-waves, come to result in the manner that they indeed do. There was a huge reason 4 my organizational big brother when I was 13 years old as Mountainpen, named John Henningsen, to give me the strange motorcycle chain that he gave 2 me one day. I saw it in his rented apartment on KINGS HIGHWAY, in Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG, while cleaning his messy place in exchange for “chore remuneration’ as he antiquatedly referred 2 it as, he was a bit old-school, and all though only 26 years old, looked 40, and acted older than this, and I will admit that this is indeed from the point of view of a child, but I still know what I know bwaby-wuv!!!!!!!!!! The 6th dimension and the gods of all of the astral planes of the nearly limitless multiverses that each contain one astral realm, interconnect, as they really have quite a fascinating interaction together in both attempting 2 influence the great Lawtrons of the 7th dimension, but it still all goes beyond anything I ever have told, unless I keep to the ultimate simplicity that really is all that is going on in the ultimate big picture of any conceivable cosmiversallity. This is that they R aware that they exist and can never shut this existence off, REACH OBLIVION-THE GREAT NIRVANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U either exist and therefore as time is simply a by-product of existence, never can not exist, or else, U do not exist, and thereby never can exist. The exim-ratio is a magic shuffling in the 8th dimension that would take 1000 years to touch on with blogs, so forget it. Still this 8th dimension is the reality that causes thought waves to generate physical counterpart realities of themselves that hold to an approximate temperature of 2.7 degrees Kelvin, as above or below this programmed super cold temperature, would not permit the exim-ratio to function, and it is as simple as that. We will follow along these pathways just a bit at a later time this or most likely next week, things R very bad, and much is needed 2B said, M U C H!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quickly 4 now, to get tack o my retraction of James Whelan. Ann Silver told me that it was Sonny McCullough and not her friend Jim that was rotten, and that pops was even more of a dirt bag. Jim is indeed a friend of Levy, both worked the beaches and were major womanizers, hay, what lifeguard isn’t a womanizing scum shit 4 Chrissake?????? But 2 quote Ann today, Jim is a good man deep inside, and hopes that he tries 2 keep the sauce 2 a minimum. I told the world over the past 2 years how dirty the Atlantic City politics R and where the stock market would go, but no, don’t listen 2 this poor whittle delusional sicko!



I will expose this pure filthy evil if it takes me hundreds of freaking rock chucking flock ducking runt slapping years and Tom Reale queers. END TRANSMISSION of DATE AND TIME FILE XIII.

GOOGLE-SWIS-WORLD LAB official web documentation MARK MOHR/MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN: All blogging is co-copy written in these names if these names R on these blogs.

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