Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Help me somebody in Jupiter's name, DIANA.

Rats, Tats, And Playing Real Football ----- 080707.731 ----- Blog #9


American Civil Liberties HELP ME. Mullica Township and New Jersey State Police HELP ME P L E A S E!!!!!!!!! I am under heavy fucking death hell siege. My blood is on your hands. Both Mister Himacane and I have been recently admitted to local hospital and the gods R doing this, and all astral world invaders that took over humanity a long time ago. H E L P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The siege started last Thursday when Ed Himacane and I and Ann Silva, went to East Dodge Rip Off Town Callioville, Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. We were attacked by the scum bag motor suckle gang that I believe is called the ROLLING SOUL. Even though my dear friend Ann is friends with many of them, they still hate my guts, and all BRIGGBASE controlled and operated FORCES such as all street and biker gangs and all satanic demonic forces to use church lingo, have hurting me as their number ONE priority. I call upon all my astral and physical friends now, as part of the phase two reality or the ‘astral’, is indeed cyberspace, and don’t think 4 one lousy minper that I am unaware of these realities bwaby-wuv, so I now request audience!!!!!!!!!!! I no longer care whether Google or anyone on Earth does their job 2 protect my constitutional rights; I call on the powers of ALL. I command severe storms, wildfires, floods, droughts, famines, worldwide, city violence and mass destruction of all wickedness, as prophesied in Holy Scripture, volcanoes, serious Earthquakes in diverse places, hurricanes and typhoons, and all manner of retaliation 4 all the evils done against me and those close to me over the past half human century on this fucking miserable ball of vicious ugly snot. If those legally there 2 protect innocent refuse 2 do their designated responsible jobs, then so B it. The reason of course, my poor Philadelphia Phillies, that UR getting brutally slashed and pummeled, is because starting late last week, I was put directly on the fucking cosmic chopping block, as also were my friends. Planes and choppers and kemtrails and aerial persecution started super off the scale bad last night, and is ongoing as I pen my message. Strange weird people R following me, the computer is doing some wild stuff as well. Diana has been wonderful 2 me, my lovely teen queen is all I need 2 keep me going through this horrific crises. Loud numerous motor shit scum bikers, loud noisy planes, loud blaring music, it all is off the fucking scale, and aimed at me to make my life totally miserable and thinking of suicide every second of my pathetic whittle shot 2 hell life!!!!!!!!!!!! My job is off the scale bad, and I know that they R trying 2 take it away from me, a crummy 8 buck 24 hour job, but anything 4 me is not tolerated, they only want my fucking ass down and dead in the ground 4 fucking ever, only I cannot die, so fuck your ugly stinking dauts and moms shit head pricks!!!!!!!!!!! U have no clue any human readership what is going on around me, but should anyone die or B injured around me, it was not accidental, but brutally wickedly intentional, done by Trump, Snyder, Wall Street, Callio, McGuire, Martino, Reale, CIA, NSA, other Black File secret covert scuz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is being done to retrace the lost points in the crooked fixed Dow Jones, just as I said, and remember that I did say this, and have been in this hellish shit for more than 20 years, I think by now I should know what is real and what fantacy is!!!! As I speak, Ed Himacane’s roof just got scraped by the chopper attack that started yesterday and has been following and harassing me all day long!!!!!!! MARY CARTER PAINTS AND RESORTS INTERNATIONAL R BEHIND MOST OF MY HELL, AND MY EVENTUAL MURDER.

KAREN S., please tell your husband that I will B delivering to U a notarized letter 4 the Casino Control Commission 4 what Resorts did to me and my friends, their employee, a rolling soul biker, cut in front of us at the self parking pay line and almost hit us, continued fucking with us, and I do not have to take this, I am a citizen of this miserable stinking satanic evil country, and HAVE MY FREAJKING RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A major blog will follow, telling it all, much more and in much fucking detail. Secrets R coming out on rock stars molesting children, how there R2 sets of laws, those 4 the have’s and those 4 the have nothing’s such as me.

Paula King’s 2nd cousin Dawnie is pregnant, get ready Maury, is it hubby, is it neighbor boyfriend, is it Santa Clause’s 3rd elf, CU in Chicago.

U cock sucking scum bag bastards want war with me, you’ve got it, watch Diana burn the whole world up if U keep on hurting me, ya filthy pricks!!!!!!!

H E L P M E D I A N A .

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